사업장 질소산화물 저감기술의 평가 및 비용분석

사업장 질소산화물 저감기술의 평가 및 비용분석
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2002-06
Nitrogen oxides
As ozone warning episodes are frequently occurred and NOx pollution level is in trends of increasing recently, Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE) is preparing some important countermeasures for NOx emission reduction. The emission allowance standards for business establishments are strengthened and financial charging for NOx emission is considered. And total maximum loading system and emission trading system are also planned in Seoul metropolitan area. Some basic data such as performances and cost of NOx control technologies are required for such measures to be implemented effectively, but few materials are available. So this study was carried out to assess performances and costs of NOx control technologies. This paper investigated the reduction efficiencies and costs of NOx control technologies used in industry and estimated the required capital cost to install of selective catalytic reduction(SCR) equipments for high energy-consuming industrial sectors. Reduction efficiency varies depending on techniques, and it is possible up to 90% or more. So technology itself cannot be a barrier in implementation of MOE countermeasures. But it is worried that NOx market produced by the above countermeasures may be occupied by foreign technologies because of lower level of technologies and little experience of domestic environment businesses. Details are presented in Chapter Ⅲ and Ⅳ. Capital and operating costs of SCR, SNCR and low NOx burner were investigated for domestic power plants, municipal waste incinerators, and a few other businesses. For example, capital costs of SCR are about 29.3 million won/MW, 22.3 million won/MW, and 5.3 million won/ton of waste/day for oil-fired power plants, gas-fired power plants, and municipal waste incinerators, respectively. In the case of United States, average cost effectiveness of control technologies are about 1.095 million won/ton of NOx, 1.932 million won/ton of NOx, and 4.893 million won/ton of NOx for low NOx burner, SNCR, and SCR, respectively. Total capital cost of add-on SCR installing for high energy-consuming industrial sectors was estimated based on the surveyed data or energy consumption. The estimates are 550~954 billion won for power plants, 174~235 billion won for cement industry, 171~231 billion won for basic iron and steel manufacturing, 30~41 billion won for glasses and glass products manufacturing, 105~141 billion won for oil refinery facilities, and 40 billion won for waste incinerators. The estimated NOx reduction amount by installing SCR for those industries is about 0.21~0.25 million ton. Assuming depreciation period of 15 years, the annualized capital cost for reduction of 1 ton of NOx is about 0.997~1.380 million won. If operating cost is included, total annual cost will be more expensive. It might become a burden in cost to the enterprises. Therefore, financial charging system and emission trading system might be checked to gradually apply to enterprises for reducing the burden in cost and considering the period for applying the domestic technologies.

Table Of Contents

제1장. 서론 1

제2장. 질소산화물 배출현황 및 관리현황 3
1. 질소산화물과 관련된 대기오염도 추이 3
가. 질소산화물 오염도 추이 3
나. 오존오염도 추이 4
다. 산성우 5
2. 질소산화물 배출 현황 6
가. 배출량 현황 6
나. 배출량 전망 8
3. 사업장 질소산화물 관리정책 현황 8
가. 배출허용기준 강화 8
나. 굴뚝 자동측정망(TMS)의 구축 11
다. 수도권대기보전특별대책 11
라. 청정연료보급 13
마. 배출부과금 제도 13

제3장. 질소산화물 저감기술 개요 및 기술성능평가 15
1. 발생 메카니즘 15
가. Fuel NOx 15
나. Thermal NOx 15
다. Prompt NOx 16
2. 저감 기술개요 17
가. 연소조건 변경기술 17
나. 배가스 처리기술 20
3. 기술 성능 평가 24
가. 연소조건 변경기술 24
나. 배가스 처리기술 30
다. 기술평가 요약 35

제4장. 질소산화물 저감기술의 비용 분석 사례 37
1. 국내사례 37
가. SCR 37
나. SNCR 41
다. 저 NOx 버너 42
2. 미국의 사례 45
가. 화력 발전시설 45
나. 시멘트 산업 49
다. 철강생산공정 54
라. 유리 제조 공정 58
마. Process Heaters 61
바. 산업용 보일러 70
사. 도시쓰레기 소각시설 76
아. 종합평가 78

제5장. 국내 SCR 설치 비용 추정 80
1. 비용 및 질소산화물 저감량 추정 방법 80
가. 비용추정방법 80
나. 질소산화물 저감량 추정방법 83
2. 배출시설별 SCR 설치 비용 및 질소산화물 저감량 84
가. 발전시설 84
나. 시멘트 제조시설 92
다. 1차 철강제조업 95
라. 유리 및 유리제품 제조 97
마. 정유산업 99
바. 소각시설 101

제6장. 요약 및 정책적 시사점 104

약어정리 107
참고문헌 108

일본의 탈질기술 111
외국의 SCR 촉매 개발 현황 114

Abstract 127

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