농촌의 경관가치평가와 관리 방안

농촌의 경관가치평가와 관리 방안
Other Titles
심미적·경제적 가치와 환경정책
박용하; 최재용; 박재근; 박소현
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2005-04
xiii, 187 p.
Regional planning
The Korean land development policy, characterized by its supply-oriented policy during the period of modernization, has driven rapid economic development. Yet, it has a negative side effect on the natural environment across the country. Especially, when the quasi-farmland system was introduced with deregulation of agricultural land development in the late 1990s, this deregulatiozz resulted in building restaurants, motels and pensions, and in construction of roads in areas with favorable natural landscapes. Numerous development projects have damaged agricultural landscapes and consequently, agricultural areas near city areas came to lose the amenity and their traditional culture. Despite the fact that agricultural landscape is irreversible due to the nature of a scenic view, precautionary policies for conserving agricultural landscapes in Korea have not developed well. Meanwhile, social demand for well-being and expectation of rural environment have greatly increased, and this has highlighted the importance of reflecting social needs and expectations on rural developmental policies. This study, thus, evaluates esthetic and economic values of agricultural landscape and proposes environmental policy for conservation of agricultural landscape. For that, we firstly examined the present condition of agricultural landscapes and surveyed on the foreign polices for agricultural landscape conservation. Secondly, we estimated scenic and economic value of agricultural landscapes based on the public preference survey. Lastly, we made suggestions for improving environmental policy on agricultural landscapes conservation. The public preference survey, which became a basis for the evaluation of aesthetic value, consists of 2 groups: one with a group of 50 people whose majors are landscape or landscape-related studies, and the other with a group of 68 people who did not study either of these. Respondents are asked to rank 30 different photos of rural areas in Korea. Among these, 9 photos of building, road, artificial waterways and power transmission tower-known to damage scenic views in suburban areas the most- were modified and asked again. In this survey, respondents ranked on a scale of -3 to 3 based on the shown beauty in each picture. Results show that the preferences of two groups are almost identical except group 3 or group 4 photo out of 30. Respondents who majored in landscapes or related field of study show more confidence with their preferences with clearer reasons than who did not. Responses to the modified photos are also similar between those two groups. Over 60% of respondents believes that agricultural landscapes are damaged, and the inappropriate use of land is considered as a main cause. Planning without landscape consideration in the first stage of the project, and absence or insufficiency of the related institutions are also regarded as one of the reasons. To the question of how to overcome the present situation, participants respond that enactment of landscapes rules in the Si, Do levels, enactment of independent law in landscapes and activation of landscapes deliberation systems are important. We surveyed 1,200 people nationwide to evaluate economic values of agricultural landscapes using contingent valuation method. We presented the photos, ranked high in the aesthetic value evaluation as an aim to be achieved, and asked whether they are willing to pay for the conservation of agricultural landscape. The results of Logit regression analysis indicate that the variables such as family member in farming, the level of understanding and the living experiences in the rural areas, affect public preference. To be more specific, the likelihood to agree to make a financial contribution is higher when the questionnaire is better understood. The economic value of agricultural landscapes is calculated as average 8,412 won/month/household and maximum 11,637 won/month/household, but when their willingness to pay is reflected, this is converted to 100,944 won/year/household and 139,644 won/year/household respectively. When the number of national households is considered, the economic value of agricultural landscape rises to 1,452,725 million won/year at average price, and 2,009,673 million won/year at maximum price. If we use the semi-log function, minimum economic value of agricultural landscape is average 7,349 won/month/household and maximum 10,657 won/month/household. This is converted to 88,188 won/year/household and 127,884 won/year/household respectively. The economic value of agricultural landscapes goes up to 1,269,149 million won/year at average price, and 1,840,430 million won/year at the maximum price when the number of national households are reflected. The result of this study provides suggestions for the conservation of agricultural landscape. First, the improvement of land use planning system in agricultural area is critical in sustainable development in rural areas. Designation of land use by the characteristics of land, land reservation for landscapes conservation, and a distribution of the guidance on landscapes conservation should be taken into account. Moreover, it is necessary to induce the regional government to participate in agricultural landscape conservation, to reflect environmental values on rural land use planning, and to differentiate the landscape management policies considering regional characteristics.

Table Of Contents

서 언

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
가. 연구의 범위
나. 연구의 방법
3 선행연구

제2장 농촌경관 현황 및 관리의 문제점
1. 농촌경관 개념의 이해
가. 농촌경관의 개념 및 정의
나. 경관의 구성인자
다. 자연경관자원의 구분
2. 국내 농촌경관 현황
가. 산간부 농촌경관 현황
나. 평야부 농촌경관 현황
3. 농촌경관 관리 정책 현황과 문제점
가. 농촌경관 관련법률
나. 농촌경관 관련제도

제3장 외국의 농촌경관 관리제도 및 농업 환경정책
1. 외국의 농촌경관 관리제도
가. 영국
나. 일본
다. 미국
라. 외국 경관보전관리제도의 시사점
2. 선진국의 농업 환경정책
가. 미국
나. 핀란드

제4장 농촌경관의 심미적 가치 평가
1. 평가방법
가. 평가대상지 선정
나. 사진촬영
다. 설문방식
라. 설문용 사진선정
마. 사진 수정
2 설문 설계 및 시행
가. 설문지 구성
나. 농촌경관에 대한 친근성.농촌다움.선호도 평가
다. 농촌경관에 관한 인식
라. 표본설계 및 본조사
3. 설문조사결과 분석
가. 친근성, 농촌다움, 선호도 평가
나. 군집(Cluster) 분석
다. 상관관계
라. 사회경제적 특성과 선호도의 관계
마. 수정사진에 대한 경관미 평가
바. 농촌경관 훼손 주요요인 및 실천과제

제5장 농촌경관의 경제적 가치 평가
1. 추정 가치의 종류
가. 사용가치
나. 비사용가치
2. 가치추정 방법의 선정
3. 설문 설계 및 설문 조사 시행
가. 설문지 구성
나. 농촌경관의 현황과 개선 목표 수준
다. 지불수단과 제시금액
라. 표본설계
마. 예비조사
바. 본 조사
4. 설문 조사 결과 요약
가. 농촌 경관에 대한 관심
나. 농촌경관의 가치
다. 농촌경관의 구성 요소와 훼손하는 요소
라. 농촌 경관 보전에 대한 지불의사
마. 응답자의 사회경제적 특성
5. 농촌 경관의 경제적 가치 추정
가. 추정 모형과 변수 선정
나. 지불의사함수 추정 결과
다. 지불의사금액 추정

제6장 연구결과 및 정책제언
1. 농촌경관의 가치 평가 결과 요약
가. 심미적 가치평가
나. 경제적 가치평가
2. 경관을 고려한 농촌 토지 이용 정책 추진
가. 농촌토지이용에 대한 계획체계의 정비
나. 특성별 토지용도 지정
다. 경관 보전 토지유보
라. 경관 보전 지침과 우수 사례 보급
마. 지원 체계 마련
바. 도시 주변 농촌 경관 관리 - 환경친화적 개발
3. 농촌 경관관리에 지자체의 참여 유도
4. 농촌 토지이용계획에 환경 가치 반영
5. 농촌 지역 특성별 경관 관리 정책의 차별화

[부록1] 프랑스의 농촌경관 관리정책
[부록2] 경관현황 조사지역 선정 절차
[부록3] 국내 경관 관련 주요 조례 현황 및 예시
자연경관보전조례 예(마산시)
경관형성조례 예(양구군)

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