유해화학물질의 인체 노출 위해도 비교평가를 통한 실내·외 오염원 통합관리방안

유해화학물질의 인체 노출 위해도 비교평가를 통한 실내·외 오염원 통합관리방안
원도연; 임혜숙
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2007-12
86 p.
Hazardous substances- Health aspects
Abstract Indoor exposure to pollutions emitted from both indoor and outdoor sources is an important element of exposure assessment. Most studies that are carried out utilizing a fragmented approach have fundamental limitations. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the indoor environment as an entire system and to develop control strategies to reduce risk levels. The purpose of this study is to develop management strategies regarding indoor air pollutants while considering various factors affecting indoor air quality. The Integrated Indoor Air Quality model (IIAQ) developed by Seoul National University is used for this purpose. The IIAQ is a tool that can provide an integrated view to indoor environmental pollution by simulating suggested scenarios. The results of the modeling are used to assess health risks. The concentrations that are used for the risk calculations are weighted concentrations based on the period of time in each place and existing Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standards. To assess health risks through exposure to hazardous pollutants, an equation developed by the US EPA is used in this study. The estimated concentration of toluene and formaldehyde for 10 years through the IIAQ model was 260.77 ug/m3 and 102.23 ug/m3 in indoors, and 55.9 ug/m3 and 8.62 ug/m3 in outdoors. These concentrations are lower than the existing IAQ standards. The estimated carcinogenic risk of formaldehyde is up to 1.05E-03 for the adult male group and exceeds 1E-06 for all receptor groups. This value means that cancer could affect one person out of 1000. The estimated non-carcinogenic risk of toluene was lower than 1, which means that there was no serious non-carcinogenic risk. This risk assessment suggests that the total exposure levels of existing IAQ standards may cause serious carcinogenic risk. In order to avoid uncontrolled risk, it is suggested that the current IAQ standards should be adjusted by taking into account the total amount of exposure from all exposure pathways from indoor and outdoor sources.

Table Of Contents

- Contents -
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.Background and objectives
2.Scope and methods
Chapter 2. Target Compounds for the Modeling
1.Current status of IAQ regulations
2.Current status of pollution levels
2.1.Pollutant levels
2.2.Chemical emissions from indoor sources
3.Selection of target compounds
Chapter 3. Integrated Indoor Air Quality Model
1.Overview of the IIAQ model
2.Current status of pollution levels
2.1. Vapor-only system with the vapor exchange with interior surfaces (scenario 1)
2.2. Vapor-only system (scenario 2) and particle-only system with indoor emissions (scenario 3)
2.3. Particle-only system with time-dependent outdoor concentrations (scenario 4 & 5)
2.4. Vapor-particle system (size-resolved particles) (Scenario 6)
Chapter 4. Application of IIAQ
1.Modeling scenarios and input data
1.1.Input parameters
1.2.Analysis of scenarios
2.Predicted indoor air concentration
2.1.Reference case
2.2.Effects of management strategies
Chapter 5. Risk Assessment
1.Concept of risk assessment
2.Hazard Assessment
3.Exposure scenarios and parameters
4.Contribution of Individual Exposure Sources
5.Risk Characterization
6.Management Strategies
Chapter 6. Conclusions
Appendix 1 Review on material emissions and models
1.Empirical emission models
2.Mass-transfer theory based models (MT models)
Appendix 2 Fortran Algorithms of IIAQ
Abstract in Korea

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