해양 유류유출사고의 중장기적 영향분석 및 제도개선 방안 I-1

해양 유류유출사고의 중장기적 영향분석 및 제도개선 방안 I-1
한상운; 정진희
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2009-02
303 p.
Policy Measures in Response to Marine Oil Spills based on Long-term Impact This study details the results of the first of three years of joint research, and is intended to prepare policy measures in response to marine oil spills based on the case study of the "Hebei Spirit Oil Spill." The study includes (1) monitoring the changes in the environmental, ecological and socio-economic aspects of the area after the oil spill accident, (2) establishment of methodologies for analysis of the impact of an oil spill accident, and (3) finally, provision of policy measures that are integrated and work over the long-term. This first-year study was carried out by focusing on gathering basic data and establishing a methodological basis for long-term analysis of the impact of the oil spill accident. The results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) Environment and ecological impact and restoration As a result of intensive cleanup activities, a significant amount of oil spilled in the area has been removed. However, in some areas on remote islands and off-the coast, oil still remains as tar. Accordingly, it is important to decide in such cases whether more cleanup activities are warranted, or whether natural processes will be sufficient to disperse and remediate the oil spill. Such decisions should be made based on the results of monitoring and analysis of the long-termimpact of the remaining oil on the marine environment. In the study, it was found that a significant part of land within the coastal national park was damaged due to road construction and expansion, and footprints from workers and volunteers, which suggests that a restoration plan should be established and executed according to the type and specific characteristics of damaged land areas. In addition to damage to the environment, the health of the local residents appears to have been affected due to exposure to hazardous oil pollutants in the course of cleanup activities. It was found that some residents had already experienced acute toxicity and are likely to suffer from chronic impact in the future, suggesting that long-term monitoring should be performed to discern the long term impact of exposure to persistent oil pollutants. (2) Socioeconomic damages and effective compensation As a result of reviewing the case studies, controversial issues with respect to damages to fisheries are summarized as ‘compensation to unlicensed fisheries’, ‘estimating the duration of terminated fisheries’, and ‘proving fisheries incomes’.Business practices in the tourism industry in Korea are also a cause of difficulties in proving actual annual incomes. Accordingly, it isimperative to establish methodologies and obtain basic data for providing evidence-baseddamagesin the fishery and tourism sectors. In addition to economic damages, it was found that social conflicts have emerged among local residents and among stake-holders. In order to resolve these conflicts, more concrete and substantive restoration plans for the local community should be made and executed in the near future. (3) Institutional measures for prevention of and response to oil spills The command systemand responsibility for cleanup activities should be vested to the Korea Coast Guard, who has played a major role in responding to marine oil spills. It is also important to ensure effective cooperation and communication systems among the relevant governmental organizationsand authorities. Furthermore, it is also necessary to improve existing legislation by strengthening provisions for prevention of oil spill accidents rather than relying on post facto response. In conclusion, long-term and integrated interdisciplinary research should be maintained and institutional improvements should be made in order to effectively respond to and prevent oil spills like the Hebei Spirit oil spill accident.

Table Of Contents

제1부 서 론
제1장 연구의 배경 및 목적
1. 연구배경
2. 연구의 목적
3. 선행 연구 현황
제2장 연구 범위 및 방법
1. 연구 내용 및 범위
2. 연구 방법 및 추진체계
제2부 유류유출사고의 환경?생태적영향 및 복원방안
제1장 해양오염 실태 및 복원방안
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 범위 및 방법
3. 유류오염 실태조사
4. 유류오염지역 방제관리
5. 해양생태계 복원
6. 요약 및 소결
제2장 육상 훼손지 실태 및 복원방안
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 범위 및 방법
3. 훼손지 현황
4. 훼손지 복원방안
5. 요약 및 소결
제3장 주민건강 영향
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 범위 및 방법
3. 국외 연구 동향
4. 유류오염의 독성 및 노출 영향
5. 설문조사
6. 생체지표 분석 결과
7. 요약 및 소결
제3부 유류유출사고의 사회?경제적 영향 및 피해배상 방안
제1장 피해보상률 제고를 위한 대응방안
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 범위 및 방법
3. 국내의 유류오염 손해배상 사례분석
4. 외국 유류오염 보상사례
5. 요약 및 소결
제2장 관광피해 추정 및 배상방안
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 범위 및 방법
3. 관광업 피해신고 및 배상액 산정 현황
4. 관광수요 현황
5. 설문조사
6. 요약 및 소결
제3장 지역사회 갈등구조 분석 및 극복방안
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 범위 및 방법
3. 환경갈등 관리에 대한 이론적 검토
4. 갈등구조 분석
5. 갈등해소와 지역발전 및 공동체회복 전략
6. 요약 및 소결
제4부 사고대응 및 예방을 위한 법?제도적 개선방안
제1장 방제 지휘체계 개선방안
1. 방제 지휘체계의 개념
2. 해양오염사고 방제 지휘체계 현황
3. 허베이 스피리트호 사고 대응에서 방제 지휘체계의 문제점
4. 방제 지휘체계 개선방안
5. 요약 및 소결
제2장 해양유류오염 예방 및 방제능력 제고를 위한 법제정비
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 범위 및 방법
3. 우리나라 현행 유류오염예방 및 방제법제
4. 제도 개선방안
5. 요약 및 소결
제5부 결론 및 2차 연도 연구계획
제1장 요약 및 결론
1. 유류유출사고의 환경?생태적영향 및 복원방안
2. 유류유출사고의 사회?경제적 영향 및 피해배상 방안
3. 사고대응 및 예방을 위한 법?제도적 개선방안
4. 종합결론
제2장 2차 연도 연구계획
1. 연구 목적
2. 주요 연구 내용 및 방법

부 록
참고 문헌

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