환경평가를 활용한 토지이용계획 수립방안에 관한 연구

환경평가를 활용한 토지이용계획 수립방안에 관한 연구
Other Titles
도시 및 택지개발을 중심으로
조공장; 문난경; 신경희; 이상범; 이영준; 전인수; 최준규; 최희선; 박정일
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2009-06
200 p.
Environmental Land Use Planning and Design through Environmental Assessment One of the major historical planning issues in Korea is the disparity between spatial planning and environmental planning for sustainable development. Recently, an increasing number of studies have reported that the (strategic) environmental assessment can play an important role in integration between spatial planning and environmental planning. Environmental assessment, as one of main tools of environmental planning and management, has various possible effects on projects: withdrawal of unsound projects; legitimization of sound projects; selection of improved project location; reformulation of plans; redefinition of goals; mitigation of project impacts. The main purpose of this research is to provide guidelines that fully incorporate environmental issues in land use planning and design and to induce sustainable development and livable communities. The research questions in this report are as follows: - What is the new paradigm for the field of land use planning and design? - What is the integrated approach of spatial planning and environmental planning for sustainable development? - What are the major achievements of Environmental Assessment in Land Use and Development in Korea? - How can we improve project location and reformulated land use plans to minimize environmental impacts? How can land use strategy and design approach be implemented as a mitigation measure for environmental impacts? The research found the major achievements of Environmental Assessment in Land Use and Development in Korea. First, Environmental Assessment has encouraged the integration of environmental mitigation measures into land use planning and design. Second, Environmental Assessment has improved project locations and reformulated plans to minimize environmental impact. Third, Environmental Assessment has promoted cooperative structures between designers and environmental specialists. Finally, Environmental Assessment has developed new mitigation measures. In particular, land use strategy and design approaches have recently been encouraged. With analysing Reviews of Environmental Assessment for over 10 years, the research provides the actual guidelines for environmental land use planning and design through Environmental Assessment. For example, several guidances of the Noise Compatible Land Use and Design is introduced to mitigate noise pollution: setback and buffer zone away from highways or high-traffic roads; noise abatement by building height control; reorient residential with less sensitive uses away from the roadway; reorient high-rise residential building away from the roadway; noise abatement through building orientation; noise compatible room arrangements. To maintain the population of all native species by preserving habitats and ecosystems necessary to support viable populations of these species, in addition, the research emphasizes location of developments away from critical habitats and encourage low-impact development. From the findings from the research, the following policy implications should be taken into account: First, it is important to remember that developers have to be more sensitized and give due weight to the environmental constraints on development. Second, from very beginning in planning and design, cooperative structures between designers and environmental specialists are required to improve project locations and to reformulate plans The checklist for environmental land use planning and design provided in this research will help to determine whether an existing planning and design may need to be repaired or upgraded in order to offset or reduce the environmental impact. Third, an administrative structure and research institutes for environmental assessment have to enhance the (strategic) environmental assessment for incorporation of environmental issues in land use planning and design to address sustainable development and livable communities.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
가. 연구범위
나. 연구방법
3. 관련 선행연구
가. 환경친화적 토지이용계획
나. 환경평가와 토지이용계획
제2장 환경친화적 토지이용계획 관련 문헌고찰
1. 토지이용계획의 이론적 접근
가. 토지이용계획의 개념
나. 타 계획과의 관계 및 역할
다. 현대 토지이용계획의 새로운 패러다임
2. 토지이용계획의 환경성 제고를 위한 접근
가. 환경평가와 토지이용계획의 이론적 접근
나. 계획수단으로써 환경평가의 적용
제3장 환경친화적 개발을 위한 제도의 발전
1. 개발사업 관련 환경친화적 개발기준 및 지침
2. 환경평가제도의 성과
가. 우리나라 환경평가제도의 특성
나. 환경평가의 성과
3. 검토의견분석을 통한 환경평가의 개발계획에의 성과 및 한계
가. 분석의 개요
나. 분야별 특성
다. 항목별 특성
라. 검토의견 분석의 종합
4. 환경친화적 개발을 위한 제도발전의 종합
제4장 환경평가항목을 활용한 토지이용계획 수립의 실제
1. 환경평가항목별 개요 및 토지이용계획 수립 시 고려사항
가. 지형지질
나. 동식물
다. 수리?수문
라. 토지이용
라. 대기질
마. 소음
바. 전파장애
사. 수질
아. 토양
자. 일조장애
차. 경관
2. 환경평가항목을 고려한 토지이용계획 사례
가. 입지 타당성 검토단계와 관련한 사례
나. 토지이용계획 및 설계단계와 관련한 사례
제5장 정책적 제언
1. 환경친화적 토지이용계획 수립을 위한 체크리스트
2. 제도개선 및 정책수립을 위한 제언
제6장 결 론

참고 문헌

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