관광개발 다양화에 따른 친환경적 계획수립 및 평가방안에 관한 연구

관광개발 다양화에 따른 친환경적 계획수립 및 평가방안에 관한 연구
주용준; 황상일; 맹준호; 이상범; 박지희
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2009-07
209 p.
> Study on establishment and assessment of environmentally friendly Planning in line with increased diversification of the tourism development Economic growth, more widespread free time, and a myriad of lifestyle changes have fostered increased demand for leisure as well as increased diversity in the forms of leisure, including tourism, sought out by consumers. At the same time, as authority to develop leisure facilities has dispersed to the local level (i.e. to mayors and provincial governors) local governments have increasingly relied on tourism to develop their economies. This has resulted in some beneficial effects in protecting historical monuments and incentivizing increased protections for the natural environment. At the same, however, tourism has resulted in significant negative effects on scenery and local ecosystems, as tourist facilities have been built on a large-scale and in high densities in prime locations with a favorable natural environment. Accordingly, the object of this study is to classify typical resort site types and suggest means for improving tourism development, as well as EIA methodologies to ensure more environmentally-friendly tourism. This study analyzed tourism related law and policy, as well as tourism-related PERS/EIA reports to understand recent trends in tourism development, including the diversification of tourism development related law, the trend towards increasingly massive and tall buildings, and the increased diversity and functionality of tourist facilities. The study also provides case study analysis of controversial tourism development projects and then suggests proposals for improvement of tourism development planning and EIA in terms of protection of the natural environment. Tourism development in Korea, in terms of the natural environment, is typically divided into "mountain" and "island/coastal" tourism. Since tourism development occurs on locations with favorable and attractive natural environments and scenery, it is thus extremely important to consider the effect of tourism development on the natural environment during the process of site selection and land-use planning. In the case of mountain tourism development, it is desirable to restrict development in ecologically protected or scenic areas and to maintain a minimum distance from major mountain ridge axes. Likewise, land use planning should reflect the topology and geology of the designated area and maintain a sufficient amount of space in its original form to ensure that a functional ecological habitat and network is preserved. In particular, when a protected-species is surveyed within or nearby the planning site, an appropriate protection plan and monitoring system should be devised to identify the ecology and characteristics of the species in question. Furthermore, old-growth forest rated at DGN 8 ("Degree of Green Naturality") or above must be protected absolutely. Height and location of buildings will also need to be regulated to protect visual resources and the natural skyline, provided that such restrictions must be based on a visual surface analysis and not impose excessive and cumbersome restrictions on construction. For "island/coastal" tourism planning, preservation of unique geological or landform features, including coastal sand dunes or beaches, as well as the establishment of a minimum buffer zone between roads etc. and the coast is paramount. As island/coastal areas are an important ecological habitat for protected species like migratory birds or otters, the habitat and population of the protected species should be surveyed thoroughly. Migratory birds in particular are vulnerable to tall buildings and nighttime light pollution, so building heights should be correspondingly limited to minimize ecological effects. To preserve coastal scenery, coastal viewing corridors and open spaces should be protected, and buildings should be kept at a minimum distance from the coast line and restricted in height. As the network effects of the oceanic/coastal landscape are much more substantial, and as coastal areas recover more slowly than terrestrial landscapes from environmental changes, development needs to be controlled to reduce pollution and to fully comprehend long-term effects. Improvements in tourism policy can produce synergy effects through introduction of newly developed green technology, leveraging of existing natural resources, and increased cooperation among government departments in line with government policy for low carbon green growth. Regional tourism planning will need to include guidelines for tourism planning at the local and municipal level to prevent duplicate development and increase focus. Finally, as development of some designated tourist areas has become delayed or cancelled due to insufficient budgets or low profitability, tourism policy will need to strengthen prior feasibility studies, ensuring that indiscriminate development and unnecessary environmental effects are avoided. To address the issues created by large-scale tourism development, unified environmental standards must be devised that resolve the disparate and conflicting environmental standards set forth in existing tourism-related laws, while EIA review standards should be devised in consideration of the results of this study so that development plans can be modified accordingly. Development projects will need to be appropriately administered under the aegis of the approval authorities, while a consultative body that incorporates a diverse range of stakeholders may be formed to adjust development planning so that it minimizes environmental impact. Most of all, specialized human resources in field-surveying, tourism resource management, and land-use planning will be essential to minimize the environmental effect of large-scale tourism development. At the same time, the results of this study may be limited in their application in light of its limited range of tourism development models, as case studies were restricted to development projects subject to EIA review, and were focused entirely on the natural environment. Thus, application of its findings will require analysis of more diverse tourism development case studies, while more environmentally friendly planning and assessment proposals will be needed to address matters regarding the human environment (i.e. water quality, waste management, etc). Future research can address the sociological and economic aspects of tourism development on the local community

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
2. 연구의 내용 및 범위
가. 주요 연구 내용
나. 연구 범위
3. 선행 연구 고찰
제2장 관광개발의 일반적 고찰
1. 관광개발의 개요
가. 관광개발 및 관광(단)지의 정의
나. 관광지의 유형 분류
2. 관광개발 관련 제도 및 체계
가. 관광관련 법?제도 현황
나. 관광개발계획의 체계 및 절차
3. 관광개발의 현황 및 고찰
가. 관광지 및 관광단지 개발 현황
나. 관광개발의 제도적?정책적 고찰
제3장 관광개발계획의 경향 분석
1. 조사?분석 범위 및 내용
가. 조사?분석 범위
나. 분석 내용
2. 관광개발계획의 경향 분석
가. 경향 분석
나. 종합 정리
제4장 관광개발 다양화에 따른 환경영향 및 계획적 문제점 고찰
1. 입지유형에 따른 주요 환경영향
가. 산지형
나. 도서?해안형
2. 최근 관광개발 유형에 대한 사례 조사?분석
가. 사례조사를 통한 환경영향 분석
나. 사례조사를 통한 정책적?계획적 문제점 고찰
3. 종합분석 및 시사점
제5장 친환경적 계획 및 평가를 위한 방안
1. 입지유형에 따른 환경영향 평가방안
가. 산지형
나. 도서?해안형
2. 관광개발계획에 관한 개선방향
가. 정책적 측면에서의 개선방향
나. 대규모 관광개발의 계획 및 평가 시 고려사항
제6장 결 론
1. 결론 및 제언
2. 활용방안 및 향후 과제
가. 연구의 활용방안
나. 향후 과제

참고 문헌
개발진흥지구의 지정제한지역
제2종 지구단위계획의 관광?휴양형 토지이용계획 및 시설물 설치기준
사전환경성검토에 의한 계획의 적정성 및 입지의 타당성 검토항목
사전환경성검토의 입지타당성 검토 시 중점검토 대상지역 및 기준
유원지 및 체육시설의 결정기준 및 설치기준
체육시설의 설치 및 입지제한 기준
골프장의 입지기준 및 환경보전 등에 관한 규정
골프장의 중점 사전환경성 검토항목 및 검토방법 등에 관한 규정
환경영향평가서, 사전환경성검토서의 분석 대상사업 목록

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