미래 녹색도시 구현을 위한 복합기능 도시습지의 복원 및 조성 방안 연구 I

미래 녹색도시 구현을 위한 복합기능 도시습지의 복원 및 조성 방안 연구 I
김창미; 최희선; 전승훈; 이형숙; 채수권
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2009-15
229 p.
Restoration and Creation Plan for Multi-Functional Urban Wetlands In Preparation for Construction of a Future EcocityⅠ Recently, the construction and planning of "Ecocity" has drawn significant attention as the need for more sustainable development and green growth has risen. Ecocity is a representative new design of urban construction & planning, and can play an important role in rehabilitating damaged urban environments while restoring quality of life. In Ecocity construction & planning, proper water management based upon "water cycle management systems" is critical. In particular, urban wetlands are a critical factor in the components of an ecocity's ecological system. This is primarily due to the fact that urban wetlands based upon water cycle management can provide a variety of positive effects on the improvement of urban environments and quality of life. The representative effects of urban wetlands are as follows; water storage and water supply between the land and watershed areas, reduction of "Heat Island Effects" in the city, decreased urban flooding, provision of habitats for wild fauna and flora, provision of landscapes, provision of aesthetic value, and a sense of stability, etc. However, urban wetlands in Korea were mostly constructed and designed as scattered and/or independently isolated zones that consume considerable energy and incur substantial management costs. This indicates that urban wetlands construction & planning in Korea does not fully reflect the "water cycle management system" of Ecocity. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to develop a comprehensive guideline for urban wetlands construction & planning based upon water cycle management systems used in new Ecocity developments and to present renovation proposals for relevant regulations. In order to achieve the aims of this study for the first year, we carried out the following: First, we investigated the current guidelines and regulations with respect to urban wetlands construction & planning in Korea. Second, we also investigated existing guidelines and regulations regarding urban wetlands construction & planning in other developed countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, Netherlands, and Australia in order to determine benchmarking points. Third, we examined the cases of urban wetlands construction & planning at the Yuiree new city project at its baseline levels, including the status of the watershed, geological & geographical distribution, potential water deposits, natural regions and areas of rice paddies, rivers & streams, ponds & wetlands. We thereafter compared the overlapped regions with the areas which can be placed as possible wetland sites. By doing so, we were able to develop an interim guideline of wetlands construction & planning for new city developments. Fourthly, we prepared a list of the benefits and disadvantages of current urban wetlands construction & planning and presented a proposal to renovate the guidelines and regulations. Major proposals for reform of guidelines and regulations that emerged from this research included a) strengthening the status of water cycle management plans either by implementing the plan ahead of other city development plans or simultaneously there with, b) establishing separate and clear guidelines for urban wetlands construction & planning that c) enjoy parity with other city development plans, d) establish a hierarchy of priority to determine agreements among stake-holders in urban development, e) establish practical and substantial categories & criteria for evaluation of compliance with city environmental requirements, f) develop new directions in cost-effectiveness when constructing urban wetlands and water cycle management systems, and g) consider management costs as an important factor when constructing and planning urban wetlands. We will continue to pursue the second year research, including development of practical urban wetlands construction & planning guidelines, and development of proposals that can incorporate such guidelines into existing regulations on urban wetlands construction & planning in Korea, in accordance with the first year's results.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
제2장 도시습지의 개요
1. 도시습지
가. 도시습지의 정의
나. 도시습지의 구체적 기능 및 역할
2. 복합기능 도시습지
가. 복합기능 도시습지의 정의
나. 복합기능 도시습지의 유형
제3장 국내 도시습지의 복원 ? 조성 사례 분석
1. 개요
2. 파주운정신도시
3. 판교신도시
4. 김포한강신도시
5. 광교신도시
6. 소결
제4장 국외 도시습지의 복원 ? 조성 사례 분석
1. 영국 밀레니엄빌리지 및 도시에코파크
2. 독일 크론스베르크
3. 핀란드 비키 신도시
4. 네덜란드 에콜로니아
5. 독일 림
6. 소결
제5장 시범도시 적용을 통한 복합기능 도시습지의 복원?조성 기본구상(안) 개발
1. 개요
2. 시범도시 토지이용 및 공간계획시설 분석 및 평가
3. 도시습지 여건 분석 및 잠재력 평가
4. 도시습지 유형화 및 네트워크 구상
5. 소결
제6장 당해년도 도출 제도적 문제점 및 개선방향
1. 도시습지 복원?조성을 위한 물순환체계 구축 사전연구 및
계획들의 실제 사업 반영의 불충분
2. 물순환체계 기반의 도시습지 복원?조성과 관련된 법?제도적 규정의
포괄성 및 불명확성
3. 물순환체계 계획과 관련한 다수의 협의기관 및 물순환체계 담당부서의 위계 문제
4. 개발이익 및 도시습지를 포함한 물순환체계 관리주체 간의 이해 상충
5. 자연성 기반의 물순환체계 구축 및 물순환체계 유지?관리비용 부담 문제
제7장 결 론
1. 결론 및 시사점
2. 차기년도 연구과제

참고 문헌

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