도시지역의 기후변화 적응을 위한 열섬현상 완화방안 연구

도시지역의 기후변화 적응을 위한 열섬현상 완화방안 연구
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
기초연구보고서 : 2009-08
32 p.
A Study on Strategies to Mitigate Urban Heat Island Effects as Part of Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas One characteristic of land cover in urban areas is the dominance of impervious surfaces. Impervious man-made surfaces like asphalt, concrete, and rooftops absorb solar radiation and take away the water storing capacity of nature, eventually increasing the temperature of urban areas. Temperature is one of the main concerns in climate change adaptation, and the heat island effect in large urban centers has become an important issue. Accordingly, accommodating urban green space and enhancing the function of the water cycle in an urban area can be a good strategy for urban areas in coping with the heat island effect and also in adapting to climate change. Maximizing the function of plants and the water corridor in order to decrease urban temperature, and consequently cut air-conditioning use, will ultimately reduce the release of greenhouse gases. This study examines the extent of the cooling effects of urban green spaces and water corridors on the thermal environment of Seoul and looked for implications on climate change adaptation strategies. It found that cooling effects operated in only a limited distance. For water corridors, around 100 m was the effective distance to attain cooling effects, and for green space, around 300m was the effective distance. It was also found that the size of an urban green space does not make much difference on cooling of the surrounding areas. Although further research should be conducted on this matter, it can be said that establishing many small green spaces and many narrow water corridors is more effective than establishing a single big green space or corridor in an urban area. Sprinkling used water on street surfaces on hot days may be another effective strategy in temperature mitigation. Climate change is expected to continue in spite of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Accordingly, climate change adaptation is indispensible. Urban areas are much more vulnerable to climate change due to urban heat island effects. To adapt to climate change, establishing proper strategies such as environmentally friendly land use planning is necessary.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 배경 및 필요성
2. 연구의 내용
제2장 기후변화현상 심화에 따른 도시 미기후 개선의 필요성
1. 도시지역의 온도 상승
2. 도시 온도 상승과 건강 피해
3. 기후변화에 따른 온도 상승 전망
제3장 도시 온도와 영향 요소
1. 온도 영상 구축
2. 물길과 도시 온도 분포
3. 녹지와 도시 온도 분포
4. 도로와 도시 온도 분포
제4장 도시열섬현상 완화를 위한 정책방안
1. 물길의 조성
2. 도시 녹지의 확대
3. 도시열섬현상 완화를 위한 기타 방안
4. 도시열섬현상 완화를 위한 제도의 강화
제5장 결론 및 제언
1. 결 론
2. 제 언

참고 문헌

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