법정보호 야생조류의 서식환경 평가방안

법정보호 야생조류의 서식환경 평가방안
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2010-13
188 p.
Many countries of the world have established conservation and wise use of biological resources as the goal of environmental policy, and the recovery of endangered species are actively working on research to cope with the reduction of biological resources and habitat deterioration. In addition, for the conservation of species, habitat and ecosystem, the investigation, evaluation and management are performed widely. In Korea, the conservation activities of species and ecosystem has been established through the various policy measures such as a nationwide survey of the natural environment, ecosystem studies, the designation of endangered species, the health assessment of aquatic ecosystem, and designation of protected areas. However, despite of a lot of ecological survey and research carried out to protect wildlife, the assessment for species and habitat evaluation, and conservation management has not been established. Therefore, this research aims to compare and review the methodologies of habitat assessment in many countries, and appropriate methodology and procedure of habitat assessment at the national level was suggested to support national environmental policy for preparing to conserve and manage wildlife habitat. In the main content of this research, procedures and cases of species-focused habitat evaluation for the legally protected birds was carried out by the Delphi technique. The spatial extent of this research was divided into national and local levels. In the national level, it was analyzed to investigate the relationship between the distribution of legally protected birds across the country and environmental variables. It was also evaluated, at the local level, in Haseoung-si and Paju-si where the frequency of disturbance has been increased recently considering the impact of development activities. The temporal extent of this research was to set up a 5-year period for the revision on legally protected wildbird's habitat models considering establishment of the Wildlife Conservation Master Plan, the Nationwide Survey on Natural Environments. In particular, it is possible to be limited to analyze the habitat of birds because of the high mobility of birds. Accordingly, the regular updates are required every year. The results of this research are as follows. (1) we reviewed the general, legal and institutional concept of habitat in the reference and legislation in relation to wild birds and their habitats(wintering and breeding sites), and suggested the framework for environment assessment appropriate to legally protected birds. In order to evaluate habitat, various efforts are needed to understand habitat, and evaluation criteria should be easy for habitat managers and environmental agents to apply. In this research, we subdivided the concept of habitats into critical and buffer habitats considering the functional characteristics of species and the objectives of habitat management. The concept of habitat was defined by functional characteristics and management objectives in accordance with the physical environment necessary to species life-cycle of species and their distribution. (2) we selected main target species in legally protected birds and surveyed information necessary to evaluate their habitat with a combination of natural environmental variables(topography, vegetation, water etc.) and artificial variables(road, city etc.) effected to habitat of target species considering expert opinions obtained through delphi technique, workshop and conference. The selection criteria of species are as follows;① legally protected species(Endangered Species Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Natural Monument), ② sensitive species to development projects, ③ Species with manay information. In this research, 23 of 74 kinds of legally protected wildbird species in Korea were proposed to target species [Whooper Swan(Cygnus cygnus), Bean Goose(Anser fabalis), Chinese Sparrowhawk(Accipiter soloensis), Common Buzzard(Buteo buteo), Common Kestrel(Falco tinnunculus), Eurasian Oystercatcher(Haematopus ostralegus osculans), Long-billed Ringed Plover(Charadrius dubius), Eastern Curlew(Numenius madagascariensis), Saunder's Gull(Larus saundersi), Red-crowned Crane(Grus japonensis), Black Woodpecker(Dryocopus martius), Scops Owl(Otus scops)] (3) Habitat suitability model and map of Black Woodpecker(Dryocopus martius) and Common Kestrel(Falco tinnunculus) have been developed as target species considering enough information on habitat use and the higher frequency of occurrence in developed area. The habitat models of target species was developed to the national and local levels through the review of reference. and the developed habitat models were compared with data of The 2nd National Natural Environmental Research and winter bird census and were verified by examining the reliability of the developed habitat models. (4) Through this research were drawn to two aspects of the policy agenda. ① provide an institutional framework for promoting biodiversity, ② the adoption of the habitat evaluation in the present Environmental Impact Assessment. To this end, we suggested the expansion of legally protected bird habitat survey in relation to the characteristics of their habitat and home range. We also proposed a new habitat evaluation system to manage natural resource and evaluate changes of habitat caused by development projects. Habitat survey and assessment is dependent on the spatial hierarchy, therefore national and regional assessments should have interconnected. To do this, it is necessary to organize and manage the organization of habitat evaluation with the participation of government agencies, experts and NGO's. and the central and local governments and business agencies should evaluate habitat assessment in accordance with HEP.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 배경
2. 연구의 목적
3. 연구의 범위와 방법
가. 연구의 범위
나. 연구의 추진절차와 방법
제2장 서식환경평가 현황
1. 서식지 정의
가. 일반적 정의
나. 법·제도에서의 서식지 정의
다. 본 연구에서의 서식지 정의
2. 서식환경평가 개념틀과 유형구분
가. 서식지 보호와 서식환경평가 필요성
나. 서식환경평가 개념틀
다. 서식환경평가 종류
라. 단일종 및 생물군집 단위의 서식환경평가
3. 서식환경평가 적용사례 및 문제점
가. 조류의 서식특성과 서식환경평가
나. 서식환경평가 국내외 적용사례
다. 서식환경평가 국내 적용의 문제점
4. 환경영향평가에서의 법정보호종 출현 및 저감방안
가. 사업계획의 특성에 따른 법정보호종 출현
나. 생물분류군별 법정보호종 출현현황
다. 환경영향평가서에 나타난 종별 저감방안
라. 환경성 평가에 있어 서식지평가 고찰
제3장 서식환경평가체계 개발
1. 법정보호 조류의 현황 및 서식환경 특성
가. 법정보호 조류의 현황
나. 법정보호 조류의 서식환경 특성
2. 서식환경평가체계 방법론 검토
가. 서식환경평가체계 개요
나. 서식환경평가체계 유용성
3. 법정보호 야생조류의 단계별 서식환경평가체계
가. 사전 단계
나. 제1단계 - 델파이 기법을 통한 기초자료 획득
다. 제2단계 - 서식지적합성모형 개발 및 서식지도 제작
라. 제3단계 - 모형 검증 및 적용
제4장 서식환경평가체계 적용
1. 사전준비 단계
가. 주요 토지유형 구분
나. 대상종 선정
다. 서식지 요구사항 및 서식변수 선정
2. 지리정보 구축 및 적합성 지수 적용
3. 서식지도 제작
가. 까막딱다구리 서식지도
나. 황조롱이 서식지도
4. 서식모형 검증 및 적용
가. 서식모형의 검증
나. 서식지도의 활용 및 적용
제5장 주요 정책과제 도출
1. 제도정비 방안
가. 서식지 개념의 도입
나. 주요 종 서식환경평가지침서 작성
다. 환경영향평가에 있어 서식지 평가방안
2. 지식기반 강화
가. 법정보호 조류의 서식환경 연구 확대
나. 서식지 평가 마스터플랜 작성
다. 서식환경조사 및 DB 구축
라. 법정보호 조류의 잠재적 서식지도 작성
3. 서식환경평가체계 제도화
가. 서식환경평가 절차의 확립
나. 서식환경평가 추진주체 구성 및 운영
참고 문헌
법정보호 조류 논문 목록
델파이조사 참여 전문가 명단
서식지 모형 관련 기초자료
주요 법정보호종 출현현황 분석자료

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