환경가치를 고려한 통합정책평가 연구 II

환경가치를 고려한 통합정책평가 연구 II
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2010-21
166 p.
Integration of Environmental Values in Policy Assessment II This two-year project aims to design policy-assessment techniques incorporating environmental values and to conduct case studies using the techniques developed. Main elements of the study include 1) reviewing the definition of environmental values in association with policy assessment, 2) examining the role of environmental values in decision-making process, 3) designing the integrated policy-assessment techniques, 4) conducting case studies utilizing the techniques developed, and 5) linking the integrated assessment techniques to existing policy assessment tools. As a step towards the integration of environmental and economic considerations, the approach used herein takes two forms. The first, named Expanded EIA (EEIA), is designed to integrate quantitative information on environmental benefits and costs associated with implementing the policy or project into the existing framework of the environmental impact assessment (EIA). The second, the Extended CBA (ECBA), is designed to incorporate environmental values and qualitative descriptions of environmental impact into the existing framework of the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). Our first case study is project appraisal. Both EEIA and ECBA are applied to a construction project for a solar energy plant to verify applicability of techniques. The second case study is revisiting the Regulatory Impact Assessment report on enforcing the new emission standards for auto-mobiles. We confirmed that, though both techniques were operational, there were also certain limitations for a complete assessment. The difficulty mainly originated from the omission of important information from each step of the valuation process. Alternatively stated, some environmental services are not identified, nor quantified, and nor monetized in the process. Taking the EIIA and ECBA frameworks as a starting point, more case studies are warranted in the future along with elaboration in methodology of techniques. In addition, the construction of a database on environmental values will be required to accumulate reliable and systematized data. These are the necessary conditions to improving quality in application of techniques as well as providing comprehensive and balanced information to decision makers.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서론
1. 연구의 배경과 목적
2. 연구의 내용과 범위
제2장 환경경제성 통합정책평가 문헌검토
1. 국내 정책평가 사례연구
2. 국외 정책평가 사례연구
제3장 통합정책평가 기법의 설계
1. 정책평가에서 환경경제성분석의 역할 및 절차
2. 통합정책평가 기법의 표준화
3. 확대환경영향평가 설계 및 작성지침
가. 환경영향평가/전략환경평가 개요
나. 확대환경영향평가 종합평가표 설계
다. 종합평가표 단계별 작성지침
4. 확장비용편익분석 설계 및 작성지침
가. 확장비용편익분석 개요
나. 확장비용편익분석 종합평가표 설계
다. 종합평가표 단계별 작성지침
제4장 통합정책평가 기법의 적용
1. 정책평가 사례분석: 규제영향분석서 재검토
가. 규제영향분석서 주요내용
나. 확장비용편익분석 범위설정
다. 확장비용편익분석 적용결과
2. 사업평가 사례분석: 태양광 발전단지 조성사업
가. 대상사업의 개요 및 입지현황
나. 확대환경영향평가 적용결과
다. 확장비용편익분석 적용결과
3. 시사점
제5장 통합정책평가 기법의 정책적 연계방안
1. 국내 정책평가제도의 운영현황
가. 규제영향분석
나. 예비타당성조사
2. 정책평가제도와 통합정책평가 기법의 연계방안
가. 확대환경영향평가의 정책적 연계방안
나. 확장비용편익분석의 정책적 연계방안
제6장 결론 및 향후과제
1. 요약 및 결론
2. 향후과제
부록 1: 환경가치의 개념과 추정기법
부록 2: 환경가치종합정보시스템(EVIS) 개요 및 자료구축 현황

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