해안개발사업 환경영향평가 영향예측 결과에 근거한 해양동ㆍ식물상 조사정점 선정방안

해안개발사업 환경영향평가 영향예측 결과에 근거한 해양동ㆍ식물상 조사정점 선정방안
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
Working Paper : 2010-11
97 p.
Determination Measures according to Survey Station of Marine Organisms Based by Impact Prediction of Environment Assessment in Coastal Development Projects All sorts of development projects performed in coast carry out survey of marine organisms around developing areas to assess and have a influence on surrounding marine environment. Especially, in case of executing surveys in marine organisms, the most important things are scientific selection measures of survey stations that can represent various ecosystems characteristics in subjected areas. The situations show a lot of differences that understand characteristics of marine organisms in targeted areas according to selection methods and positions in survey stations and is not a clear divisions or objective standards. By dividing each project types, areas and scales, this study suggested selection measures of survey station in scientific and objective marine organisms through precise analysis of range with impact prediction due to coastal development projects of environmental impact assessment report. The range of impact prediction is constructively and operationally based on suspended solids diffusion, hydrodynamic changes and pollutants dispersion. This study contents are as follows. First, problems by analyzing selection case in survey station of marine organisms were deducted and impact ranges due to hydrodynamic changes, constructively suspended solids diffusion and operationally pollutants dispersion in coastal development projects of environmental impact assessment report were analyzed. Second, literature surveys to selection cases in survey stations of marine organisms were performed. Third, professional suggestions of several research and survey institutes executing surveys of marine organisms were collected. Meanwhile, basis contents to impact prediction of marine environment are proposed in UNEP manual and Sea Area Utilization Impact Assessment Report. Since many bases on scopes and methods of impact prediction in marine organisms caused by coastal development projects are clearly presented, improvements due to investigation ranges and station numbers were suggested on very rational bases To grasp many problems and impact ranges by current surveys in marine organisms, cases by impact prediction are analyzed in coastal development projects of environmental impact assessment report. Coastal development projects used by investigation and analysis are totally 74 cases and from 2008 year until now, executed environmental impact assessment report which is submitted with the object. There was entirely not environmental impact assessment reports that clearly suggest bases or standards of survey stations in determining survey stations of marine organisms due to various coastal development projects. Because institutes that accomplish the survey randomly determine survey stations, it was difficult for circumstances to exactly comprehend current surveys of marine organisms characteristically in coastal waters due to constructively and operationally on that points. The investigation scopes of marine organisms in coastal development projects within approximately radius 2∼4km was most generally and according to institutes which accomplished surveys the difference appeared different about range of examination. In this study, impact scopes of marine organisms correspond to physical impact predictions by undertaking projects. Impact ranges were divided into three coastal waters. When suggests numbers of survey stations according to this survey ranges, numbers of investigation stations due to minimum survey scopes in targeted projects applied 20∼30% of all numbers in survey stations. Number of survey stations due to average investigation scopes within physical impact ranges applied 60∼70% of all numbers in investigation stations. Numbers of survey stations due to maximum survey ranges within physical impact scopes applied 10∼20% of all numbers in survey stations. So, improvement measures were deducted. Also, on selecting survey stations, considering contents were suggested as follows. First, to understand the accurately current states to expected areas and comprehend exactly impact extents by undertaking projects through constructively and operationally monitoring, survey stations in close positions with project areas are largely determined. Second, to comprehend present conditions of benthos in dredged areas through dredging projects and after dredging to do a monitoring select and survey about 3∼5 stations(determination according to project scales) in the dredging objective areas. Third, reclamations must execute detailed surveys about benthos to grasp the current states in marine organisms(especially benthos) within reclaimed zones. Due to expected effects obtained through this study, techniques of environmental impact assessment rationally related coastal development projects are proposed and it will be able to use as fundamental databases to make environmental impact assessment reports. Also, applications of investigation results after construction in the environmental impact of coastal development projects are secured and ecosystem professional expect to reduce unnecessary time and budget wastes by excessive surveys in marine organisms

Table Of Contents

제1장·서 론
1. 연구 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 내용 및 방법
제2장·해양동ㆍ식물상 현황조사의 문제점
1. 해안개발사업의 해역별 및 사업별 분류
2. 해양동ㆍ식물상 현황조사의 문제점
가. 해양동ㆍ식물상 조사범위
1) 항만 및 어항개발사업
2) 해양준설사업
3) 해안인접 개발사업
4) 해양매립사업
5) 도로 및 교량건설사업
6) 발전소 건설사업
나. 해양동ㆍ식물상 조사정점 수
1) 항만 및 어항개발사업
2) 해양준설사업
3) 해안인접 개발사업
4) 해양매립사업
5) 도로 및 교량건설사업
6) 발전소 건설사업
7) 사업별 조사항목에 따른 평균, 최소 및 최대 조사정점 수
3. 해양동ㆍ식물상 현황조사에 따른 문제점
제3장·해안개발사업의 영향예측에 따른 영향범위 산정
1. 해안개발사업의 영향예측 범위
가. 항만 및 어항개발사업
나. 해양준설사업
다. 해안인접 개발사업
라. 해양매립사업
마. 도로 및 교량건설사업
바. 발전소 건설사업
제4장·국내ㆍ외 사례조사 현황
1. 국내 선행 연구
2. 국외 선행 연구
가. 영국 해양 모니터링 프로그램
제5장·해양동ㆍ식물상 조사정점에 따른 개선방안
1. 해양생태계 현황조사 및 이론적 고찰
2. 해양생태계 조사정점에 대한 개선방안
가. 항만 및 어항개발사업
나. 해양준설사업
다. 해안인접 개발사업(오ㆍ폐수 해양배출이 없고, 사업규모가 백만㎡ 이상)
라. 해안인접 개발사업(오ㆍ폐수 해양배출이 없고, 사업규모가 백만㎡ 이하)
마. 해안인접 개발사업(오ㆍ폐수 해양배출이 있음)
바. 매립 및 산업단지 조성사업(사업규모가 80만㎡ 이상)
사. 매립 및 산업단지 조성사업(사업규모가 80만㎡ 이하)
아. 도로 및 교량건설사업
자. 발전소 건설사업
3. 개선방안의 종합적인 내용

제6장ㆍ결 론
참고 문헌
해양생태계의 조사범위 및 조사정점 수
해안개발사업의 영향범위
해안개발사업의 영향범위와 조사정점 수와의 관계
그림의 가로축에 사용되는 약어 설명

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