지형특성을 고려한 지형변화의 적정량 평가방안

지형특성을 고려한 지형변화의 적정량 평가방안
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
Working Paper : 2010-14
43 p.
proposals for assessment of the degree of topographic change in consideration of regional characteristics With the recent enforcement of the “Act on Special Exemption for Simplification of Approval Proceedings for Industrial Complexes,” and the “Act on Restrictions on Tax Exemptions,” projects for construction of industrial complexes and golf courses have been increasing every year. Since an increase in such development projects also increases the degree of change in the topography of national land, it has become necessary to induce environmentally friendly development that protects the natural topography and minimizes human induced changes. Currently, EIA on development projects use earth volume as an index of topographic change; however, this does not allow consideration of the unique characteristics of the topography of the site location, and is applied uniformly. Accordingly, development of an objective topographic change assessment technique is needed that can enable simultaneous development and conservation while minimizing environmental impact from projects. This study analyzed the laws and criteria on topography, and to understand the trend in topographic changes induced by golf courses or industrial complexes, studied EIA statements collected at KEI from 2005 to August 2010. The current state of topography for each region and project, as well as other factors with high relevance to changes in topography, including standard altitude, slope, and form and shape of topography were analyzed to determine the extent of topographic changes. Golf course projects throughout the country number 182, with Gyeonggi, Gyeongbuk, and Gangwon having the most courses. The topographic change index for the country was an average 3.5±1.4. Gyeongnam, Gangwon, Chungbuk, Gyeonggi, and Gyeongbuk, which are located in the eastern and northern parts of the country, have a higher than average topographic change index. This is due to the high slope in the mountainous eastern part of the country, with the western parts of the country having a comparatively gentle slope. Accordingly, since the conditions of the natural environment vary for each region, topographic change must be assessed in consideration of the characteristics of each city and province. Since golf courses are located primarily in mountainous or hilly areas, we examined correlations through regression analysis of topographic change indexes and changes in the total developed area in accordance with differences in standard altitude and slope. There was an increasing trend for topographic change indexes in accordance with differences in standard altitude and slope, and this was determined to be due to the removal and addition of large amounts of earth to ensure a flat surface for sites with high differentials in standard altitude or high slope to enable development of golf courses. On the other hand, total developed area showed a reducing trend, and was determined to be due to an increase in the rate of conservation of the original form of sites in accordance with the differential in standard altitude, i.e. the higher the differential the higher the slope. As a result of analysis of the current situation of industrial complexes from 1997 to August 2010, it was found that the number of projects had continuously increased from 2005. Furthermore, a clear increase was visible from 2008, and this was determined to be due to the enactment and enforcement of the “Industry Exemptions Act.” From 2005 to August 2010, industrial complex projects numbered 235. Projects were most numerous in Gyeongnam, Gyeongbuk, Gyeonggi, and Chungnam respectively, and the average topographic change index for the country was 5.7±4.6. In contrast to golf courses, which were situated primarily in mountainous or hilly areas, industrial complexes were situated more often in hilly or flat areas. Golf course projects are intentionally designed to utilize the bends and curves of the natural topography, and have a topographic change index distributed in a more varied standard altitude differential, while industrial complexes must flatten the topography to perform their projects, and thus had their topographic change index distributed in a comparatively lower standard altitude differential. Furthermore, not only the characteristics of each region for golf courses and industrial complexes, but also the form and shape of the prospective site location, can be considered and applied as criteria in the topographic change index. As a result of review of the topographic change index in accordance with the form of the site location, golf courses showed a value of 3.8±1.3, 3.1±1.4, and 2.0±0.9 for mountainous, hilly, and flat areas respectively, while for industrial complexes, the respective values were 7.1±5.4, 7.3±4.5, and 4.0±3.7. Furthermore, as a result of review of the topographic change index in accordance with the shape of the site, golf courses showed values of 3.4±1.4, 3.8±1.3, 4.5±0.9 for rough terrain, flat terrain, and “V” shaped terrain respectively, while industrial complexes showed 6.6±5.4, 7.6±4.1, and 9.9±8.9 for the respective terrains. This study can be used as a guideline for establishing targeted environmental values when performing self assessments of propriety as a site by the developer by consulting topographic change index criteria for diverse topography factors that influence the topographic change index. Further research will be needed based on this approach, while continuous research will be needed to develop environmentally friendly topographic change assessment techniques.

Table Of Contents

제1장·서 론
1. 연구 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 범위 및 내용
제2장·지형 관련 법률 및 지침 현황
1. 환경규제 관련 매뉴얼
가. 사전환경성검토 업무 매뉴얼
나. 도시공원 및 녹지 등에 관한 법률
다. 산지전용 허가기준의 세부 검토기준에 관한 규정
2. 개발 관련 규정 및 지침
가. 골프장의 중점 사전환경성 검토항목 및 검토방법 등에 관한 규정
나. 도시계획시설의 결정·구조 및 설치기준에 관한 규칙
다. 제2종 지구단위 계획수립 지침
3. 고찰
제3장·지형특성과 지형변화지표의 상관성
1. 지형 분류 및 지형변화지표의 개요
가. 지형 분류
나. 지형변화지표
2. 골프장 조성사업의 지형특성과 지형변화지표
가. 지역별 지형유형 비율과 지형특성
나. 지역별 지형변화지표 분석
다. 지형변화지표와 지형특성 분석
3. 산업단지 조성사업의 지형특성과 지형변화지표
가. 지역별 지형유형 비율과 지형특성
나. 지역별 지형변화지표 분석
다. 지형변화지표와 지형특성 분석
라. 산업단지 특례법 시행과 지형변화지표의 변화
제4장·지형변화 적정량 평가방안
1. 지형변화지표의 활용방안과 평가기준
2. 지형변화지수
제5장·결론 및 제언
참고 문헌
골프장의 중점 사전환경성 검토항목 및 검토방법 등에 관한 규정
골프장의 입지기준 및 환경보전 등에 관한 규정
산업입지의 개발에 관한 통합지침

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