녹색생활 지표 개발 및 활용방안

녹색생활 지표 개발 및 활용방안
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
정책보고서 : 2010-03
96 p.
Developing and Applying Green Life Style Indicator The present research developed indicators of green life and made suggestions on how to use these indicators, in order to monitor the trend of people's green life practice. The indicators developed consist of two large indicator categories of individual and societal aspects, each of which has two medium categories, that is, the individual category is composed of subcategories for the knowledge of green life and the practice of green life, and the societal category has subcategories for the infra-structure of green life and the outcomes of green life. The knowledge of green life consists of the awareness of green life and the attitudes towards green life. The other three categories, that is, those for the practice of green life, the infra-structure of green life, and the outcomes all addressed the issue in terms of household life, purchasing, and transportation. In order to develop green-life indicators, a questionnaire survey and interviews with general public were conducted to understand the status quo of green life. Then, for the selection of indicators for each category, specialists' delphi analysis was conducted, experts' opinions were converged and related researchers' discussion meetings were held, based on the principles of representativeness, validity, reliability, economy, and connection with relevant policies. The following is the framework of green life indicators developed by the present study. The knowledge of green life at the individual level consists of the awareness of green life and the attitudes toward the practice of green life. The individuals' practice of green life selected the indicators of 'reducing the leftover of food', 'wearing cool and warm clothes', 'using a water-glass when brushing teeth', 'maintaining appropriate room temperatures', and 'pulling out the plugs of electric home appliances' in the subcategory of household life, based on the principles of representativeness and importance. For the subcategory of purchase, 'purchasing environment-friendly goods' was selected as the representative indicator because of the importance of the environment-friendly spending; and for the subcategory of transportation, 'using the public transportation system, bicycle riding or walking' and 'participating in the One-Day-Without-a-Car movement' were selected because they can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases. The societal level indicators, which consist of the societal infra-structure category and the outcome category, were addressed in terms of household living, purchase, and transportation. The indicators in the category of societal infra-structure were selected based on the principles of positive impacts on individual people's green life practice and the connection with other subcategories. The household living subcategory selected 'the percentage of using usage-based pricing bags for food waste disposal' and 'the number of houses certified for green life'. The purchase subcategory selected 'the percentage of environment-friendly goods among the overall goods'; and the transportation subcategory selected 'the percentage of railroad transportation in the overall transportation system' and 'the number of areas designated for green transportation measures'. In the category of the outcome of green life, the household living subcategory selected 'the amount of waste production per person', 'the amount of water consumption per person', and 'the amount of electricity consumption per person'. The purchase subcategory selected 'the amount of sale of environment-friendly goods'; and the transportation subcategory selected 'the amount of energy consumption by passenger cars'. The application of these indicators to the available data showed that the amounts of food waste and electricity consumption were in the increasing trend. The results show that it is necessary for the government and civilian institutions to actively stage campaigns and educate people. On the other hand, the amounts of household waste and tap water consumption were decreasing, and the purchase of environment-friendly goods by public organizations and the percentage of environment-friendly goods increasing. There were some areas where data were not available for the developed indicators. For example, 'the number of houses certified for green life', and 'the number of areas designated for green transportation measures' were not applicable. The current study suggested that data bases be built for these indicators. It also attempted to enhance the usefulness of the indicators by showing the trends of individual indicators and providing domestic and overseas data for the users. The most important use of the indicators developed by the present study is monitoring the trends of green life. Periodical monitoring of green life can assess the spread and stable settlement of green life, thereby confirming the importance of green life. In other words, green life monitoring can set the direction for the publicity, education, and campaign for green life practice. In particular, monitoring the status quo of the green life infra-structure at the local and national level can provide information about what kind of infra-structure the government should strengthen. The use of these indicators is expected to lead to a more effective settlement of green life.

Table Of Contents

?차 례?
제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 배경 및 필요성
2. 연구의 주요 내용 및 기대 효과
가. 연구의 주요 내용
나. 연구의 기대 효과
제2장 녹색생활과 지표 연구
1. 녹색생활
가. 녹색생활의 정의
나. 녹색생활과 녹색성장
2. 지표 관련 선행 연구
가. 글로벌 및 국가 차원의 지표 및 지수
나. 지역 및 사회적 차원의 지표 및 지수
다. 개인적 차원의 지표 및 지수
라. 기타 지표 및 지수
마. 지표 및 지수의 분류
제3장 녹색생활 지표 개발
1. 녹색생활 지표의 목표 및 개발 원칙
가. 지표의 목표
나. 지표 개발의 원칙
2. 녹색생활 지표체계 구축
가. 지표체계의 구축
나. 지표 구축 절차 요약
3. 세부 지표 선정
가. 녹색생활 소양
나. 개인의 실천
다. 사회적 인프라
라. 녹색생활 성과
마. 녹색생활 지표 최종안
제4장 녹색생활 지표의 적용 및 활용방안
1. 녹색생활 지표의 시범 적용
가. 사회적 인프라
나. 녹색생활 성과
2. 녹색생활 지표의 활용방안
가. 녹색생활의 주기적 모니터링
나. 녹색생활 성과에 이르는 과정의 이해
다. 지표의 선택적 적용
라. 녹색생활 지표의 지수화
마. 바람직한 녹색생활 방향의 제시
제5장 결론 및 향후 과제
1. 결론
2. 향후 과제
참고 문헌

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