상수원지역의 친환경 토지관리방안

상수원지역의 친환경 토지관리방안
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
정책보고서 : 2010-13
96 p.
Eco-friendly Land Management Measures in Water Source Areas In order to respond to use of new contaminants, increase of discharge and water quality accidents effectively, active land management in water source area sensitive to water quality has been required further. Although purchase of land in water source area is conducted, there are some difficulties in active purchase resulted from development pressure, cost for the purchase, and limits in purchasing system. Therefore, it is intended to seek a method to introduce eco­friendly land management measures which is able to contribute to water quality control, as well as to promote the quality of life in water source area. This study intends to seek eco­friendly land management measures considering residents’ life improvement and environmental control simultaneously out of dichotomous land management comprising restriction and removal of land use restriction in water source area until now. For this, analysis of current state and limitations of traditional land management in water source area, review and deduction of eco­friendly land management measures, verification of effectiveness through analysis of their applicability to the water source area, and concrete enforcement measures for eco­friendly land management were suggested. In future, it is required not only to execute continuous land purchase but also to draw various eco­friendly management measures for unpurchased land to sensitive area. Comprehensive review on measures such as contribution to water quality improvement and resident participation for drawing eco­friendly land management measures resulted that easement servitude, lease system, and eco­friendly management contract are desirable, but introduction of new system should be promoted by stages through elaborate preparation. In order to revitalize the eco­friendly land management, introduction of eco­friendly land management measures such as conservation easement in addition to the traditional land purchase system are desirable. While eco­friendly management contract also is a system to be considered, this may cause a problem in new contraction and management after a certain period, therefore it seems to have less preference than the above land purchase or conservation easement. It is desirable that creation of conservation easement should be applied only to purchase difficult land, especially only to land which has high contribution to water quality pollution and is placed near water collection point. The creation of easement servitude is conducted for lands which have considerable development possibility and can be converted metropolitan land use selectively. When introducing the conservation easement, it is desirable to introduce it first to area with preferential demand and to expand it by phases, seeing foreign cases where it is already introduce and applied successfully and preparing a method to prepare a contract document, land management techniques and obligatory enforcement measures.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서론
1. 연구의 목적
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
제2장 상수원지역의 토지관리 실태
1. 상수원지역의 토지관리 분석
가. 상수원관리를 위한 토지규제 변천
나. 상수원지역 토지규제별 검토
다. 오염총량관리제와 토지규제
라. 유사 친환경 토지관리 사례
마. 상수원지역의 토지규제 종합고찰
2. 외국의 상수원 토지규제 및 지원실태
가. EU : Water Frame Directive에 의한 지표수 규제
나. 영국
다. 독일
라. 호주
마. 미국
바. 입지규제 및 토지 이용 제한에 따른 주민 지원 사례
3. 상수원지역 토지관리 효과 및 시사점
제3장 친환경적 토지관리방안 모색
1. 친환경적 토지관리기법 및 적용성 검토
가. 토지임차제
나. 휴경보상제
다. 개발권 양도제
라. 보존지역권 설정
마. 국유지와의 교환
바. 개발권 선매제도
사. 토지매입 후 행위제한을 가하여 임대하는 방안
아. 환경친화적 관리계약
2. 친환경 토지관리방안의 선정
가. 친환경적 토지관리원칙 정립
나. 친환경적 토지관리방안 고찰
다. 친환경적 토지관리방안 선정
라. 최적 친환경 토지이용 선정
3. 보존지역권 구체적 적용사례 검토
가. Alachua County, FL
나. Brandywine Conservancy, PA
다. Washburn County, WI
라. 외국 사례의 시사점
제4장 보존지역권의 구체적 도입방안
1. 보존지역권 설정 개요
가. 적용원칙
나. 보존지역권 지정 및 매매 방법
다. 보존지역권의 가치 결정 방법
라. 보존지역권 관리
2. 보존지역권의 구체적 시행 방안
가. 계약의 목적
나. 주요 용어정의
다. 지역별 사용조건
라. 건물과 부속 시설물의 건축
마. 분필
바. 개발 관련 사항
사. 권리 관련
제5장 결론 및 제언
참고 문헌

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