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Showing results 101 to 120 of 1080

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-07-31Development of ecoinformatics biodiversity assessment toolsWho-Seung Lee; Hee Sagong; Yong Jun Joo; Seulki Jeong
2011-11-01Development of Experts in the Water Sector through the Integrated Operation of the Local Water Supply and Sanitation SystemHyun-Joo Moon
2014-11-21Disused Home Appliances Door-to-door Pick-up ServiceHan; Sang-Un
2021-03-31DMZ 미래 대비를 위한 구동서독 접경지역 교훈 활용 방안 : 붕괴단계 교훈 도출 중심으로황성한; 전성우; 남궁승필; 황현
2019-06-30DMZ 자연 생태계 보존을 위한 실효적 준비체계 구축 방안황성한; 전성우; 남궁승필; 황현호; Joseph P. Henderson
2010-10-21Does Urbanization Indeed Increase Disaster Damages?-Lessons from Gyeonggi Province, South Korea (도시화가 자연재해를 늘리는가? - 경기도 사례를 중심으로)최충익
2017-12-31DPSIR 지속가능성 지표의 지수 전환 방법에 대한 연구 및 금강하구역 사례 분석김대환; 민동기
2013-09-30Dynamic climate change adaptation in nomadic lifestyle and its implications최충익
2017-02-24Eco-label certification system(ECS) in KoreaHan; Sang-Un
2019-03-29Ecological impacts of night-time lighting on terrestrial insects and a field survey guideline for environmental impact assessment이상범
2017-10-31Ecological modernization as global industrial revolutionMartin Janicke
2018-09-30Economic analysis of climate change damage in Korea using RCP-SSP scenario matrix채여라 ; 이주형
2017-10-31Editor’s note on special editionLho; Sangwhan
2012-12-31Efficiency Comparison between Output Tax and Emission Tax as an Environmental Tax김상겸
2011-09-30Emerging Issues of East Asian Fisheries in Conjunction with Changes in Climate and Social Systems in the 21st Century김수암·Loh-Lee Low
2009-01-05Emission Reduction Program for In-Use Diesel VehiclesJang-min Chu
2015-12-31Emissions trading schemeSuh; Yang-Won
2017-07-31EN Simulator : 생태네트워크 변화 모의 기법김지영; 노태호
2014-09-30Environmental assessment guidelines for tidal current energy developmentTaeyun KIN; Jeong-ll PARK
2003-06-30Environmental assessment of contaminated soils around abandoned mines using the crrent soil quality standards안주성; 김경웅
