종합환경정보망 개발사업

종합환경정보망 개발사업
이기옥; 정은화; 장경희
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
xiv, 85p. ;
1. Research Title A Study on the Development of the Korea Environmental Information Network System 2. Research Objectives The need for information related to environment and development increases rapidly at all levels of the modern society, from that of the national policy-makers to the level of grassroots, for the advancement of environmental technology and the scientific decision-making based on sound information. Therefore, the development of the computer communication network system to link sources and users of information is a highly important issue in the domestic and international society. Participants include government bodies, research institutes, non-governmental organizations, grassroots, and entrepreneurial organizations worldwide. This network fosters informed dialogues and communications to encourage the betterment of environmental policy-making and the protection of earth's environment. The main objectives of this research are 1)to survey the current status of environmental information services in Korea, 2)to identify the potential users and to analyze user's demand for environmental information, 3)to build up the cost-effective data collection and management system, 4)to develop the DB system related to environmental issues, 5)to establish and operate the nationwide information network system for fulfilling the functions of the environmental information services to multi-users, including the public and the private sectors. This research aims to establish the national information network system before 1996 to provide the environmental information services to users, with easy access to the domestic and international public network system. The present report is on purpose to develop the initial implementation plan of the Korea Environmental Information Network System. 3. Research Period August, 1993~December, 1993 4. Research Contents Responding to the global demand for environmental protection and sustainable development, the establishment of the nationwide environmental information network system is one of very urgent problems to promote the advancement of environmental technology and policy-making capability. This project seeks to develop and implementation plan for the Korea Environmental Information Network System. For this purpose, this research 1)formulates the basic direction and implementation plan of the Korea Environmental Information Network System for providing the on-lne information services to users at all levels 2)surveys the current status of environmental information and data management and analyzes the information demand of potential users to estimate the initial specifications of the network system, 3)assesses the functional requirements and the detailed specifications of the system components, 4)studies the required organization and man-power planning and sets up the detailed development schedules and budget assessment. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations This study revealed that the development of the Korea Environmental, Information Network System was an important and urgent task to meet the international movements for protection earth's environment. For fulfilling the free flows of information across countries and all levels of the nation, the network system for providing environmental information services to multi-users should be established before 1996. Therefor, it is recommended that the Korea Environmental Information Network System should be implemented and operated on schedule suggested in this study with the following recommendations ; 1)Active participations of government agencies, especially the Ministry of Environment, NGOs, research institutes, universities, national and municipal assemblies, regional and community representatives, and individuals as the producer and consumer of the environmental information. 2)Appropriate institutional and financial supports from the Ministry of Environment to ensure the successful achievement of the suggested results of this study.

Table Of Contents

Ⅰ. 서론

1. 목적

2. 필요성

3. 연구방법

4. 연구내용

Ⅱ. 추진전략

1. 기본방향

2. 단계별 추진전략

3. 정보관리체계의 기능

Ⅲ. 정보의 소요분석

1. 환경정보 분류

2. 정보의 수집방안

3. 환경정보소요의 우선순위

4. 유관기관과의 정보관계도

5. 유관기관과의 전산망 연계시 고려사항

6. 소요정보량 분석

Ⅳ. 시스템 구성

1. SYSTEM 별 요구 성능

2. System 구성요소별 처리정보량

3. 주전산기 요구사항

4. 통신망의 구성 개념도

5. 소프트웨어의 구성


7. 시스템 구성(도)

Ⅴ. 정보관리 방안

1. 자료관리 시스템 내용 및 기능

2. 정보제공 방안

Ⅵ. 추진계획

1. 년도별 추진계획

2. 단계별 중점사업

3. 추진방법

4. 조직 및 인력

5. 세부 추진 일정

6. 소요예산

Ⅶ. 결론 및 건의


Ⅰ. 유관기관의 전산현황

1. 국내기관의 전산현황

2. 국외기관의 전산현황

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