지속가능발전지표의 지수화 연구

지속가능발전지표의 지수화 연구
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2003-16
ix, 159p.
While great quantities of efforts and capital have been inputted to maintain economic statistics and information system, researches or statistics on environment information has not been satisfied with the demand of the public. Indexation of environmental field has proceeded variously, however, the generalized method like in the economic field has not been suggested. So far standardized index system estimating sustainable development has not been developed. Therefore it is necessary to develop the simplified and integrated Sustainable Development Index(SDI) easily understood by the public. Through the methodology for SDI estimation, this study will introduce basic background that can evaluate state of national sustainable development and help the public understanding about the trend of sustainable development. So far a number of private and public organizations have developed a range of Aggregated Environmental Indices, and some organizations have already announced their individual indices. To establish SDI, in the first place, the function of sub-index valued the extend of the sustainable development should be made up. The next process of establishing SDI is to integrate the sub-index, which is the most significant process in estimation of sustainable development index. In this study, AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process) introduced by Saaty(1980) is manipulated for calculation of weight that is the important process in estimation of SDI. The AHP is mainly utilized in policy decision-making on evaluation, selection and prediction, and finding the fast method investigating into consistency among experts groups and environmental quantification. Generally indicators required to estimate index might condense data into concise and useful information. In selecting indicators, the first consideration is measurability, transparency, relevance and comparability. Also we should consider cost for development of index. However, there is a restriction that because the indicators are not correspond with policy analysis it is difficult for decision-makers to compare levels of countries and analyze the index. The other restriction is the lack of data for developing indicator. Finally it is difficult to interpret and aggregate into a composite indicator as SDI. Each indicators used in this study are based on core sustainable development indicators that was published by UNCSD in 2001. We choice total 53 indicators with 4 category-social, environmental, economic, institutional part that corrected and added by Chung(2001) As a result of calculation of a weight for estimation of SDI, sectoral weight each is 0.376(environmental part), 0.277(economic part), 0.221(social part), 0.126(institutional part) The reason that weight of environmental part was high is that it is faithful with a definition of sustainable development and it results from sampling of population As a result of estimation of SDI, if we consider the index of 1995 that set us base year as 100, the trend of SDI seemed the U-shape. That is, firstly Korea seemed positive trend in a view of sustainable development. Secondly, as the positive trend of SDI result in few part's upward tendency there is careful consideration about partly downward and steady indicator. SDI could be an important policy instrument to verify national policies towards sustainable development. This study establishes the national sustainable development policy, present methodology of SDI that need for international comparison. Using the method, we estimated SDI of korea, in which we present the policy application As a preceding research about SDI, this study estimated SDI of korea and analyzed SDI's result. However, for the further research, it is essential to come to an international agreement of sustainable development indicators composing the SDI and collect accurate and reliable data.

Table Of Contents

서 언

제1장 서론 1
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 방법과 내용 3

제2장 지속가능발전 관련 지수 개발 현황 5
1. 일반종합지수 5
가. 純저축 7
나. 인간개발지수 9
2. 환경종합지수 12
가. 지구생태지수 12
나. 자연자본지수 13
다. 독일 환경지수 14
라. 생태학적 풋프린트 14
마. 환경지속성지수 17
3. 환경부문지수 22
가. 지구온난화잠재지수 22
나. 표준오염원지수 24
다. 브리티쉬 콜롬비아 수질지수 24
라. 캐나다 대기질지수 27
마. 미국 대기질지수 30
제3장 지속가능발전지수 모형 32
1. 지속가능발전지수 작성 과정 33
가. 부문지수(하위지수) 작성 33
나. 부문지수 통합 36
2. 계층분석법(Analytical Hierarchy Process: AHP) 40
가. 계층분석법의 개요 40
나. 계층분석법의 논리적 구조 40
다. 계층분석법의 적용과정 42
3. 종합지수 작성 방법 47
가. 부문지수의 표준화 47
나. 종합지수 도출 49

제4장 지속가능발전지표 선정 50
1. 지속가능발전지표의 개념 50
2. 지속가능발전지표 선정 기준 50
가. UNCSD가 제안하는 선정기준 51
나. OECD가 제안하는 선정기준 51
3. 지속가능발전지표의 선정 및 제약 52
4. 부문별 지속가능발전지표 56
가. 사회부문 56
나. 환경부문 73
다. 경제부문 90
라. 제도부문 104
제5장 지속가능발전지수 작성 109
1. 지속가능발전지수 작성을 위한 가중치 산정 109
가. 표본의 구성과 처리 109
나. 지표별 가중치 산정 110
다. 계층분석법을 적용한 부문별 가중치 산정 115
2. 지속가능발전지수의 산정 120
가. 부문지수 산정 결과분석 120
나. 지속가능발전지수 산정 결과분석 125

제6장 결론 및 제언 127

참고 문헌 130

부 록 135
부록 1. 각 전문가 집단별 부문지수와 지속가능발전지수 135
부록 2. 동일한 가중치를 부여하여 작성한 지속가능발전지수 140
부록 3. 지속가능발전지수 개발을 위한 전문가 설문조사 146

Abstract 157

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