지하유류저장 탱크의 관리강화 방안

지하유류저장 탱크의 관리강화 방안
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2003-15
This study aims to assess whether the risk of soil and groundwater contamination is mitigated by the current Oil UST management in Korea, and suggests some improvement measures for the UST management, if necessary. Current regulations and programs relevant through the whole life cycle of the UST, such as construction, installation, operation, and disclosure in Korea were reviewed. Also, regulation of the UST systems in advanced countries, such as the United States and European nations, were evaluated. The objective of this study is the petroleum manufacturing and storage facilities among the 'Primary Soil Contamination Facilities', which is mainly gas stations. The USTs of gas stations are regulated basically by the 'Fire Protection Act', in which they are classified into the category of the 'hazardous material manufacturers'. In addition, these facilities are placed on the list of the 'Primary Soil Contamination Facility' by the 'Soil Environment Conservation Act' in order to control the soil contamination due to oil release. Regarding the status and problems of the current UST management, following findings were revealed. First, although Korea provides requirements for new USTs concerning corrosion, spill, overfill protection, and leak detection seemingly equivalent to those in the United States and EU member states, the detailed provisions are still at an insufficient level. i) Only installation of the leak detection system, excluding the leak detection monitoring, is required. There is no requirement for the regular tests This study aims to assess whether the risk of soil and groundwater contamination is mitigated by the current Oil UST management in Korea, and suggests some improvement measures for the UST management, if necessary. Current regulations and programs relevant through the whole life cycle of the UST, such as construction, installation, operation, and disclosure in Korea were reviewed. Also, regulation of the UST systems in advanced countries, such as the United States and European nations, were evaluated. The objective of this study is the petroleum manufacturing and storage facilities among the 'Primary Soil Contamination Facilities', which is mainly gas stations. The USTs of gas stations are regulated basically by the 'Fire Protection Act', in which they are classified into the category of the 'hazardous material manufacturers'. In addition, these facilities are placed on the list of the 'Primary Soil Contamination Facility' by the 'Soil Environment Conservation Act' in order to control the soil contamination due to oil release. Regarding the status and problems of the current UST management, following findings were revealed. First, although Korea provides requirements for new USTs concerning corrosion, spill, overfill protection, and leak detection seemingly equivalent to those in the United States and EU member states, the detailed provisions are still at an insufficient level. i) Only installation of the leak detection system, excluding the leak detection monitoring, is required. There is no requirement for the regular tests Secondly, to reinforce programs for supervising the tank construction and installation, a program ensuring the tank quality should be provided either by reinforcing the current inspection called a tank safety test, or by introducing a new inspection. In addition, training and certification requirements for all personnel involved in the UST system installation activities, or qualified oversight, should be introduced to avoid a poorly conducted UST system installation. Third, to prepare a system in which gas stations can manage contamination caused by the USTs - the contents of the voluntary agreement signed by the Ministry of Environment and oil refinery companies need to be more specific, and supervision process to check the companies' compliance with the agreement should be established. Meanwhile, a program allowing independent gas stations to properly manage the USTs should be introduced. Fourth, miscellaneous things, such as effective division of responsibility and cooperation of regulatory agencies, education of UST owners and operators, construction of data on UST facilities, also should be implemented.

Table Of Contents

차 례
서 언
제1장 서론 ········································································································· 1
1. 연구배경 및 필요성 ··················································································· 2
2. 국내 선행연구 내용 ··················································································· 3
3. 연구목표 및 내용 ······················································································ 5
제2장 국내 지하유류저장탱크 관리에 관한 규정 및 제도 ······························ 7
1. 지하유류저장탱크시설 현황 및 관리에 관한 법령 ···································· 7
2. 시설기준 및 토양환경보전법상 관련 규정 ············································· 15
가. 지하유류저장탱크 시설기준 ································································ 15
나. 토양오염검사 ······················································································ 21
3. 소방법상의 기타 규정 및 제도 ································································ 26
가. 탱크제작과 품질보장 ·········································································· 27
나. 탱크안전성능검사 ··············································································· 27
다. 형식시험 ····························································································· 28
라. 시공감독 ····························································································· 29
마. 오염예방을 위한 탱크관리 ································································· 29
바. 시설변경 및 용도폐지 ········································································ 31
제3장 국내 지하유류저장탱크 관리 현황 ··················································· 32
1. 오염방지시설 설치 ··················································································· 32
가. 부식산화방지시설 ··············································································· 32
나. 흘림/넘침 방지시설 ··········································································· 34
다. 확산방지를 위한 누출감지 시설 ························································· 34
2. 주유소의 탱크관리 ················································································· 35
가. 직영주유소와 자영주유소 ································································· 35
나. 정유회사와 환경부간의 자발적 협약 ·················································· 38
3. 지하유류저장탱크의 누유발생과 누유감지 ·············································· 39
가. 토양오염검사에 의한 누유감지 ·························································· 39
나. 실제 누유발생 현황 ············································································ 43
제4장 미국의 지하유류저장탱크 관리 ···························································· 48
1. 관련규정 및 제도 ···················································································· 49
가. 업그레이드 프로그램에 의한 오염방지시설의 종류와 설치기준 ········ 49
나. 업그레이드 프로그램에 의한 기타 요건 ············································· 58
다. 기타 제도 ··························································································· 61
2. 관리현황 ·································································································· 64
가. UST Upgrade Program 이행과 집행 ················································· 64
나. 주유소의 참여 ···················································································· 67
다. 지하유류저장탱크의 누유발생과 누유감지 ········································· 68
제5장 유럽의 지하유류저장탱크 관리 ···························································· 77
1. 각국의 시설기준 ······················································································ 78
가. 오스트리아 ························································································· 78
나. 벨기에 ································································································ 79
다. 덴마크 ································································································ 81
라. 핀란드 ································································································ 81
마. 프랑스 ································································································ 82
바. 독일 ···································································································· 83
사. 그리스 ································································································ 83
아. 이탈리아 ····························································································· 83
자. 룩셈부르크 ························································································· 85
차. 네덜란드 ····························································································· 85
카. 스페인 ································································································ 86
2. 지하유류저장탱크에 의한 지하수 오염 현황 ··········································· 89
가. 덴마크 ································································································ 89
나. 핀란드 ································································································ 90
다. 프랑스 ································································································ 90
라. 독일 ···································································································· 90
마. 스웨덴 ································································································ 91
바. 영국 ···································································································· 91
3. 유럽과 미국의 비교 ··················································································· 92
제6장 현행 지하유류저장탱크 관리의 문제점 및 개선방향 ·························· 95
1. 현행 지하유류저장탱크 관리 문제점 ······················································· 95
가. 시설 기준 ··························································································· 95
나. 토양오염검사 ···················································································· 100
다. 탱크제작부터 용도폐지까지 관련제도 ············································· 104
라. 주유소의 환경오염관리 ····································································· 107
2. 개선방향 및 세부개선방안 ····································································· 109
가. 오염방지조치 등의 시설기준 강화 ·················································· 109
나. 탱크제작 및 시공 관리강화 ······························································ 113
다. 주유소의 오염위험관리 향상을 위한 제도 마련 ······························· 115
라. 기타 관리강화 방향 ·········································································· 118
제7장 요약 및 결론 ······················································································· 124
1. 지하유류저장탱크관리 현황 및 문제점 ················································ 124
2. 개선방향 및 세부개선방안 ····································································· 126
3. 연구내용의 한계와 향후과제 ································································· 129
참고문헌 ········································································································ 130
Abstract ········································································································· 135

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