석산개발사업의 환경영향 저감방안에 관한 연구

석산개발사업의 환경영향 저감방안에 관한 연구
권영한; 김시헌; 노태호; 맹준호; 송영일; 전인수; 정승우; 조광우; 주용준; 이용일; 임현수; 이성진; 박재홍; 이정현
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2004-16
xiii, 277p.
Rock quarry development and exploitation may result in extensive environmental impacts, but those impacts has not been investigated yet. Although most of quarry exploitation plans were initiated in a local region by individual permissions for small scale developments, those were eventually extended for being expanded. However, the expanding has been arbitrarily conducted without considering overall environmental impacts in the region, resulting in break-down of regional ecological axis and other serious environmental damages. Furthermore, no action for environmental pollution prevention leads to serious environmental impacts. Some of quarry developers have interest only in making profits, and has not often paid attention to restoration after the exploitations. Quarry developments without considering environmental impacts devast adjacent rivers by suspended solids and surrounding environments by dust scattered from the rock quarries. Suspended solid generation per unit area of quarry is 2.6 to 38.5 times higher than other developments such as golf course, industrial and residential complexes. The total suspended solid generation of quarry is also 2.5 to 9.9 times higher than those of other developments. This study was focused on environmental impacts of quarry development upon sediment accumulation and running water ecosystem. In the study, four sites were selected to survey and investigate characteristics of sediments and changes in aquatic macroinvertebrate community. The results showed that quarry development gave serious effects on water quality and ecological life of the adjacent river basin. Aquatic ecosystem was completely destroyed by disappearing all sorts of benthic invertebrates in the region adjacent to the quarry and was gradually restored as the distance from the contaminant source increased. This is characteristically different from the environmental effects caused by the other non-point contamination sources where some species selectively survive and community structure is still maintained. Fine rock fragments from rock quarry exploitation were primarily deposited on the nearby stream. The primary sediments were disturbed by rainfall and then dispersed into a long-distance, resulting in expansion of an environmental impact area. High turbidity was measured in the time of torrential rainfall, especially in the dry season. Those fine rock sediments would affect the aquatic animals and plants. This study clearly showed how rock quarry and related processing plants, batch plant of ready-mixed concrete and cutting-and-polishing plant for building material continuously affect the aquatic ecosystem. To reduce environmental impacts of quarry exploitation, EIA of all development plans should show their supply plans of earth material for construction. Those supply plans may require an appropriate number of quarry for the construction region. Development of quarry site must accompany with comprehensive and regional plans that cover from siting to material supply needs of the region. It is desirable in rock quarry siting to keep quarry development out of upstream area. Considering geographic conditions and ecological environment, it is also necessary to avoid breakage of ridge line and/or ecological axis(green network) that may affect regional natural environment. Most of all it is strongly recommended to keep sufficient distance between rock quarry and stream or river to prevent the stream from inflow of inorganic materials. To actively protect the aquatic environment, effluent of all streams in the quarry area should be induced into one channel that is connected to settling basin. The settling basin should be regularly maintained to achieve high removal efficiency. Controlling capacity of settling basin should be estimated by using a criteria of the intensity of concentrated rainfall of the area to control effectively the suspended solids. More researches and trials are needed to increase solid-settling efficiency of quarry site. To protect the water environment of the quarry area, it is required to install a monitoring system, continuously monitoring the inflow of earth materials into the streams. For a closed quarry, slopes and terrain should be restored to be compatible to the surrounding environment, and disturbed entrance roads and riparian area also should be recovered. Important thing in recovering excavated slopes and destroyed river is ceaseless care and maintaining. Inadequate maintenance on closed quarry may also result in secondary environmental damage. This study suggests that establishment of well-planned pollution prevention system would minimize adverse environmental impacts, and proper and continuous maintenance can effectively prevent environmental impacts induced by quarry exploitation. This study is expected to contribute to the improved management tactics that considers the protection of environment, by providing valuable information on quarry siting, environmental impacts of quarry development and environmental pollution prevention for environmental-friendly quarry development.

Table Of Contents

서 언

제1장 서 론
1.1. 연구의 배경
1.2. 연구의 목적 및 범위

제2장 석산개발사업 현황
2.1. 석산개발사업의 범위
2.2. 석산개발사업의 현황

제3장 석산개발사업이 환경에 미치는 영향
3.1. 석산개발사업과 환경의 문제
3.2. 석산개발사업이 환경에 미치는 영향
3.2.1. 계곡 및 수계의 황폐화
3.2.2. 작업으로 인한 먼지 비산의 영향
3.2.3. 부적절한 관리로 인한 영향
3.3. 석산개발사업과 부유토사의 발생
3.3.1. 부유토사의 발생
3.3.2. 석산 현장에서 관측되는 영향 및 범위
3.4. 석산개발이 수생태계에 미치는 영향
3.5. 석산운영으로 인한 영향
3.6. 부적절한 입지로 인한 영향
3.6.1. 석산이 생태축을 차단하는 경우
3.6.2. 추가적인 개발이 어려운 입지
3.6.3. 석산의 밀집개발로 인한 영향
3.6.4. 복원을 고려하지 않은 개발

제4장 외국의 석산개발 현황
4.1. 일본의 골재원 개발사업과 환경영향저감방안 사례
4.2. 독일의 석산개발 체계 및 현황
4.2.1. 독일의 채석
4.2.2. 채굴의 현장사진 및 복원사례
4.2.3. 석분폐기물 분류와 매립
4.2.4. 독일의 산지전용허가제도
4.2.5 채굴에 대한 환경영향평가법
4.3. 미국의 석산개발 사례
4.4 시사점

제5장 연구대상지역 현황
5.1. 연구대상지역 선정
5.2. 연구대상지역 현황
5.2.1. C지역 S석산
5.2.2. K지역 H석산
5.2.3. Po지역 S석산 등
5.2.4. Pa지역 E석산 및 T석산
5.3. 강수량 및 하천유량

제6장 석산개발지역의 부유토사특성
6.1. 하상구조와 퇴적물의 이동특성
6.2. 석산주변수계 하상퇴적물 연구방법
6.3. 석산주변수계 하상퇴적물 연구결과 및 해석
6.3.1. 탁도분석 C지역 S석산 K지역 H석산 Pa지역 E석산 Po지역 S석산
6.3.2. 부유물질 함량분석

6.3.3. 퇴적물 입도분석 C지역 S석산 K지역 H석산 Pa지역 E석산 Po지역 S석산
6.3.4. 퇴적물 광물조성 분석 C지역 S석산 K지역 H석산 Pa지역 E석산 Po지역 S석산
6.3.5. 분석결과
6.3.6. 제언

제7장 석산개발지역의 수생생태계 특성
7.1. 저서성 대형무척추동물군의 응용성
7.2. 조사기간 및 조사지점
7.2.1. 조사기간
7.2.2. 조사지점 C지역 S석산 K지역 H석산 Pa지역 E석산 Po지역 S석산
7.3. 조사결과
7.3.1. 출현종의 분석
7.3.2. 지점별 우점종 및 우점도
7.3.3. 군집지수분석
7.3.4. 생물지수분석
7.3.5. 출현종수의 조사지점에 따른 변화양상
7.3.6. 집괴분석
7.4. 고찰

제8장 석산개발사업에서 발생되는 환경적 영향의 저감방안
8.1. 환경영향저감방안
8.2. 골재 및 토사 공급원을 포함한 환경영향평가
8.3. 지역단위 석산개발 및 공급계획 수립
8.3.1. 종합적인 석재원 개발계획
8.3.2. 채석단지의 활성화
8.3.3. 선택과 집중
8.4. 환경을 고려한 입지선정 및 개발계획
8.5. 운영중인 석산의 적절한 환경관리 및 감시
8.5.1. 침사지 조성 및 관리
8.5.2. 부유토사 저감을 위한 환경감시 및 관리계획
8.6. 친환경적 복원
8.6.1. 복원녹화공법
8.6.2. 석산개발지역의 복원녹화공법
8.6.3. 복원녹화 관련 향후개선 및 발전방안
8.7. 지속가능한 개발을 구현하는 개발 및 이용계획의 수립
8.8. 기타

제9장 결론 및 제언
9.1. 석산개발이 주변 수계에 미치는 영향
9.2. 석산입지 선정 및 환경영향 저감방안
9.3. 석산개발계획의 기본 방향


부 록
부록 Ⅰ. 저서성 대형무척추동물 조사정점 현황 및 조사방법
부록 Ⅱ. 각 석산의 출현종에 대한 분류학적 목록
부록 Ⅲ. USLE(Universal Soil Loss Equation, 범용토양손실공식)

부록 Ⅳ. 석산개발계획의 법적제한요소
부록 Ⅴ. 환경친화적 석산개발을 위한 평가항목 선정
부록 Ⅵ. 복원녹화공법에 사용되는 공법들
부록 Ⅶ. 환경영향평가서 및 환경성검토서에 제시된 복원녹화계획
부록 Ⅷ. 복원녹화 관련한 산지관리법 법령
부록 Ⅸ. 현행 산지관리법을 기준으로 한 복구사면 표준횡단면도


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