산지를 활용한 친환경적 골프장 조성에 관한 연구

산지를 활용한 친환경적 골프장 조성에 관한 연구
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
정책보고서 : 2006-04
146 p.
Golf courses
In order to develop a golf course in mountainous area without harming environment, we need to examine current regulations that regard siting, design, construction, and management of the golf course and change previously used methodologies. By analyzing research data and results on the limitation of siting the golf course, this study recommends environmental considerations which may not be legally treated and provides policy measures to develop environment friendly golf course. Siting a golf course is the first important step for sustainable development of environment. It is necessary to introduce a concept keeping responsibility of the environment and improving environmental consideration under the various regulations and criteria of the golf course siting. The purpose of the regulation is to maintain compatibility of development of golf course and conservation of natural environment. In addition, "economic" development of the golf course can bring more people to the golf course. In the siting process, we mainly focus on the natural environment. Therefore consulting experts in ecology is important. However, living environments―such as air, water, waste, noise, etc.― should be considered for design, construction, and management. Previously, golf courses were developed considering only a few environmental aspects. Currently, however, environmental experts impose important roles on the golf course development, and consequently, environmental qualities of the golf course will be gradually recognized as an asset. Therefore, we need to review whether current criteria of golf course development reflect environmental conservation in order to amend the criteria appropriately to develop environment friendly golf courses, and to reduce inappropriate items such as duplication of regulations. In addition, although not legally constrained, environmental factors relevant to suitability of siting and probability of development should be checked specifically. Background researches should be carried out in order to include those issues in the criteria. Confirmation and assessment by experts should be considered in suitability of both siting and planning. Various regulations executed by different ministries regarding golf course siting, which are lack of background information, are difficult to apply, and are enforced redundantly, should be corrected or supplemented. Pertinence of siting should be reconsidered, if ecology is seriously damaged, in terms of issues in which a developer and a designer must reconsider golf course siting. If golf courses are overcrowded, ecological corridors would be seriously damaged so that diversion should be considered even though particular endangered or protected species are not in the proposed area. Specifically, an assessment criterion needs to be applied with flexibility according to the value of vegetation in various regions. Although criteria regarding aquatic ecosystem conservation, water supply, and ridge conservation are not notified yet, it is necessary to carry out a research to establish those criteria that are important for environmental protection in developing golf course. More than 70% of natural habitat in a proposed area can be preserved in a well designed and nature-considered golf course. Since a tee, landing site, and the green are the most important components in the golf course, natural environment may be most properly preserved if a designer considers conservation as much area as possible in golf course. Further researches that provide background data should be done to solve environmental problems which occur during construction and operation of a golf course―such as serious geological changes, less conserved areas, overcrowding, landslide and run-off, etc., proceeding to adjustment in regulations and guidelines in constructing and managing the golf course. Especially, efforts to advertise and educate are urgently needed to conserve living environments such as impacts of water quality and water supply to surrounding areas, because owner’s willingness is important to conserve environment during managing a golf course.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
2. 연구범위
3. 연구체계
제2장 현황 및 기존연구 고찰
제3장 입지 관련 고려사항
1. 정책적 고려사항
가. 국내 골프장 증설 수의 결정
나. 지역 균형을 고려한 골프장 배분
다. 골프장 밀집화 지양
라. 지역별 보전임지 비율을 고려한 골프장 조성
마. 산지관리법의 5부 능선 기준에 대한 제고
바. 계곡과 능선의 생태계 기능(연결성 등)을 동시에 유지하는 골프장 조성
2. 환경적 고려사항
가. 생태계를 고려한 입지 선정 검토사항
나. 지형·지질을 고려한 입지기준 검토사항
다. 기 타
제4장 결론 및 제언
1. 입지선정 관련 규제의 문제점 및 개선방안
2. 생태적 측면에서 입지선정에 대한 제언
3. 환경친화적인 설계에 대한 제언
4. 건설 및 운영시 환경적 고려사항
가. 저감대책에 대한 제언 (생태계 검토사항)
나. 저감대책에 대한 제언 (지형·지질 검토사항)
부 록
부록Ⅰ 산악 자연지형을 이용한 골프코스 레이아웃 개념 및 적절한 부지
부록Ⅱ 환경친화적 골프장 건설
부록Ⅲ 환경친화적 골프장 관리
부록Ⅳ 골프장 관련 규정
부록Ⅴ 골프장사업 사전환경성검토(환경부 편람)

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