수자원계획 관련 거버넌스와 환경갈등 관리 방안

수자원계획 관련 거버넌스와 환경갈등 관리 방안
조공장; 이창훈; 박희웅
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
정책보고서 : 2006-10
105 p.
Water resources development
Environmental Governance and Conflict Management for the Water Resource Development Policy and Projects Because of industrialization and urbanization propelled by the government, environmental conflicts had not really come to the surface until 1980’s. As people became aware of democracy and environment, repressed conflicts finally exploded around late 1980’s. These environmental conflicts brought about several problems such as delay of projects, high costs, distrust on the government, and clash among the stake-holders. This study focuses on how to prevent environmental conflicts using a governance concept for planning processes. In addition, we propose policy directions to settle environmental conflicts. Chapter 2 deals with the characteristics and periodic changes of domestic environmental conflicts. It includes causes of environmental conflicts. Chapter 3 describes a concept of governance for public plan and the necessity of citizens’ participation. We examine the strength and weakness of each participation type such as resident relation and public hearing. In this chapter, we focus on a council which is a effective method for building a governance, presenting important points when a council is organized and operated through examples of Japan. Chapter 4 analyzes very influential environmental conflicts such as Siwha, Saemangeum, Kyeongin, Dongang dam and Hantangang dam. We report processes and results of each case and propose policy directions to reduce environmental conflicts. Chapter 5 deals with how to govern water resources. To prevent environmental conflicts from exacerbating, council one of the arena methods is needed on planning process. We need to encourage citizens to participate in planning and implementing projects from the early stages of a development activity. In addition, the whole procedure of policy making has to be open to the public. We conclude that citizens’ participation should be institutionalized for environmental impact estimation of development policy, plan, and program. It is necessary to open policy and decision making rules to all stake-holders under social mutual agreement. Clear Procedure, mutual confidence, environmental sustainability, and social acceptance are important for decision making. Training specialists who can mediate conflicts are not only essential but citizens’ capacity also need to increase for democratic agreement. To resolve environmental conflicts, we need to make an improvement in public policy making procedures and set up a third party that can mediate conflicts among the stake-holders. Negative effects caused by conflicts will be minimized when public policy making procedures become open and transparent to all stake-holders.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론

제2장 우리나라 환경갈등의 고찰
1. 환경갈등의 발생 및 시대별 전개과정
2. 환경갈등의 유형 및 발생원인
3. 수자원 분야의 환경갈등유형

제3장 거버넌스와 주민참여
1. 공공계획과 거버넌스
2. 주민참여와 정보교류
3. 주민참여의 새로운 흐름 - 일본사례를 중심으로

제4장 수자원 분야의 갈등사례
1. 시화호 개발사업
2. 새만금 간척사업
3. 경인운하 사업
4. 영월다목적댐 사업
5. 한탄강댐 사업

제5장 수자원 개발 관련 환경거버넌스의 구축방안
1. 갈등예방을 위한 계획단계의 거버넌스
2. 수자원 분야에서의 정책단계별 갈등예방 방안

제6장 맺 음 말

참 고 문 헌


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