연구효율성 향상을 위한 원시자료 공유체계 구축

연구효율성 향상을 위한 원시자료 공유체계 구축
Other Titles
KEI 연구보고서를 중심으로
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
정책보고서 : 2007-02
148 p.
Korea Environment Institute(KEI) specialized in the study of environmental- related subject, performs around 100 researches every year. At this time, a lot of statistical data are necessary for research and corrected by purchasing or requesting from the outside. However KEI dose not operate the process of managing statistical data and brings about the wastes of research resources under the circumstance. The purpose of this study is analyzes of the situation of statistical data usage for the last two year and shows the management schema of it in the best way for KEI. This study followed the following procedures. First we considered the theoretical definition of environmental statistics data, raw data and meta data. After that, we partially revised the theoretical definition for this study. Second Analysis of research reports, electronic approval system and survey research are carried out for analyzing the situation of statistical data usage. Third case studies about the process of managing statistical data of other research institute are carried out to show the management schema of it in the way that is best for KEI. As the result of statistical raw data usage in KEI, it is corrected continuously and many researchers agreed on its necessity. The statistical raw data for major or occasional research is less than commissioned research. But the statistical raw data for all research was around 90 for the last two year. As the result of case study for procedures of management, every institute put regulation on data management and allowed a specific department to manage it. Above all, they have kept consistency in its management policy. Finally we showed our data management based on usages of statistical data and case studies. Our researchers continuously have been in demand of statistical raw data from outside. So we should make a specific department for statistical raw data management and carry out survey of preference in the data, a role of provider of it. Also we concluded that the regulation of it is a necessary component. Based on this research, we derived national information management policy as follows; ’Management department of statistical raw data’ in an institute should lead to the national institute or system, i.e. the national environmental statistical information center. In this view, there are three policy directions. First, the government should invest social capital for improving the quality of statistical data in environment. Second, the government should develop and manage an institute or system tentatively named "environmental statistical information system". Third, national institutes and statistical data production instruments should put regulation on management, provision and usages of statistical data. Also we suggest that Eco-STAR Projects in the Ministry of Environment need urgently to manage for providing useful information in a similar research. Our study has implication of providing preliminary research directions that manage useful knowledge or information on the national level.

Table Of Contents

서 언
제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 개요
2. 연구의 내용
3. 연구의 흐름
제2장 이론적 고찰 및 사례조사
1. 개념정립
2. 국내 환경통계 개념 정립 및 범위
3. 본 연구에서의 정의
4. 타 기관 사례조사
제3장 분석 및 고찰
1. KEI 연구보고서 분석
2. KEI 설문조사 분석
3. KEI 전자결재시스템 분석
4. 분석 결과
제4장 원내 원시자료 통합 관리 방안
1. 원내 원시자료 관리 우선순위 선정
2. 제도적 공유 절차 및 관리 방안
3. 통계 생산 기관의 외부제공에 대한 관리 내부 규정
제5장 요약 및 결론
1. 요약
2. 향후 연구 방향
부 록
A. 통계청 통계 메타정보시스템 메타항목
B. 환경통계연감의 자료 목록별 출처
C. KLI ‘통계자료 DB관리지침
D. KEI 2004년, 2005년 기본, 수시과제 연구결과보고서 목록
E. 과거 연구결과보고서의 통계자료 이용 현황
F. 전자결재시스템에 저장된 원시자료
G. 설문지 세부 내용

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