식생과 토양의 역할을 고려한 저탄소 토지이용계획 수립방안 I

식생과 토양의 역할을 고려한 저탄소 토지이용계획 수립방안 I
명수정; 조공장; 조한나
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2009-11
113 p.
Low Carbon Land-Use Planning Strategies Taking into Account Carbon Sinks such as Vegetation and Soils (I) Climate change from global warming is an issue that now transcends national boundaries to encompass all the countries of the world. Advanced countries have focused development efforts on “green industries” and “green technology” to promote more efficient use of resources and reduce pollution as part of their efforts to deter global warming. The Korean government has likewise established “green growth”as a conceptual framework in its own climate change policy. To this end, the government is pursuing three policy directions, including “expanding new growth engines,” “promoting quality of life for the public while improving the environment,” and "gcontributing to international society.” “Promoting quality of life for the public while improving the environment” involves the proposing of detailed targets to improve quality of life by creating “green” land and cities, while reducing carbon dependence and improving ecological efficiency through improvements in construction and transportation systems. This study suggest that in order to produce a low-carbon green living environment Korea will need to increase the role of vegetation and soil. Vegetation and soil, aside from its ecological value, plays a critical role in absorbing and storing carbon dioxide. Changes inthe land use plans that accompany economic activities can exert an influence on the ability of existing vegetation and soil to mitigate carbon dioxide. Accordingly, in order to lead the way to a low carbon society through the formation of green land and cities, this study proposes the establishment of land use plans that fully engage the carbon mitigating effects of vegetation and soil. To this end systematic research over a period of two years will be required. In the first year, policy directions will beestablished on land use plans that consider the role of soil and vegetation, as well as proposals for land use plans at the regional and national level. In the second year, proposals shall be drafted for land use plans at the municipal and local level along with detailed policy proposals for the establishment of effective green land use plans. By undertaking the proposed first stage of research on the establishment of land use plans that fully deploy the carbon mitigating capabilities of vegetation and soil, this study hopes to examine the role of vegetation and soil in climate change in order to establish policy directions for land use plans, while also establishing a methodology for estimating carbon mitigation and storage capabilities. The study presents strategies for expanding sources for carbon mitigation, and by examining case studies in planning at the national and provincial level, suggests proposals for land use on a nationwide/regional scale. When examining the results of the research, findings are to be established on the basis of GIS data that can apply estimation methods for carbon storage capabilities in accordance with the IPCC guidelines. On this basis, it was found that the biomass of forest vegetation has been continuously increasing since 1970 on a national scale, with biomass showing conspicuous increases in Gangwon Do and Gyeongsangbuk Do on the provincial level, and in the City of Gwangju and Jeju Island in terms of the biomass share of area. Furthermore, the carbon storage capacity of soil demonstrated a tendency to decrease with the passage of time, with Gyeongsangbuk Do and Gangwon Do showing notable declines. In order to expand sources of carbon mitigation, it is necessary to establish strategic targets to respond to climate change at the highest levels, including a Comprehensive Plan on National Land and a Comprehensive Plan on the National Environment. In particular, it was found that preparation of planning indices for expansion of carbon mitigating sources will be required, along with strategic introduction of plans that consider local circumstances in provincial level plans (including revision of guidelines as necessary). Furthermore, it was also found that introduction of indices that consider carbon mitigating capabilities as a concrete strategy to expand carbon mitigation sources, preparation of strategies for carbon neutral cities, introduction of environmental impact assessments to expand carbon mitigation sources, and government wide policies that can prevent loss of carbon absorbing soil will also be needed.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
제2장 기후변화에 있어 식생과 토양의 역할
1. 기후변화 대응 국내?외 현황
가. 기후변화 영향
나. 기후변화 대응
2. 탄소흡수원으로서의 식생과 토양의 역할
가. 식생의 역할
나. 토양탄소의 역할
다. 탄소저감 측변에서 본 식생과 토양의 역할
3. 탄소저장량 추정
가. 식생과 토양의 탄소저장량 추정법
나. 식생의 탄소저장량 추정
다. 토양의 탄소저장량 추정
제3장 탄소흡수원 확충 방안
1. 탄소흡수능을 고려한 지표
가. 생태면적률의 정의 및 산정방법
나. 공간유형 구분 및 가중치
다. 탄소흡수능을 고려한 지표 개발
2. 탄소중립도시
가. 탄소중립도시(녹색도시) 현황
나. 탄소중립도시에서 식생과 토양의 역할
다. 탄소제로도시
3. 환경영향평가시 고려사항
가. 환경평가시 기본원칙
나. 토지이용 수립시의 고려사항
4. 토양유실의 방지
가. 토사의 발생
나. 토양침식 영향인자
다. 토지이용변화에 따른 가속침식
라. 탄소저장고 역할을 하는 토양의 유실방지 방안
제4장 국토?도단위 공간계획에서의 사례연구
1. 국토단위 공간계획
가. 국가환경종합계획
나. 국토종합계획
2. 도단위 공간계획
가. 충청남도 환경보전 종합계획
나. 제3차 충청남도 종합계획 수정계획
다. 전라북도 환경보전 중장기계획
라. 제3차 전라북도 종합발전계획 수정계획
3. 개선방안
가. 국토종합계획
나. 도종합계획
다. 국가환경종합계획
라. 시?도환경보전계획
제5장 결 론
1. 요약 및 결론
2. 제2차년도 연구추진계획
가. 주요 연구내용
나. 연구방법

참고 문헌

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