환경정보와 가이드라인 제공에 의한 자율적 환경평가 지원

환경정보와 가이드라인 제공에 의한 자율적 환경평가 지원
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
녹색성장연구보고서 : 2009-02
96 p.
Self-Regulating Environmental Assessment Support provided by Environmental Information and Guideline Pursuant to the relevant regulations and guidelines, the results of screening on drafts of environmental impact statements(EIS) and the final versions there of according to project and item indicates that a number of items in the preparation of EIS continue to be either unsatisfactory or omitted. This has resulted in specious and largely pro forma drafting of EIS, as well as inefficiency in reviews, and the need for additional measures, etc. In light of the foregoing concerns and to induce better compliance and accuracy, and increased autonomy and expertise in the drafting of EIS, the Korea Environment Institute(KEI) developed guidelines and manuals for each project type subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) for the purposes of enhanced efficiency in review and consultation. In 2009, as the first stage of this research project, guidelines for eight projects and manuals for four major projects were developed to optimally reflect environmental considerations for each project on the basis of KEI’s cumulative reviews. Furthermore, the guidelines and manuals contain check lists etc. wherein the project executive can perform diagnoses autonomously. □ First stage(2009) ○ Projects subject to EIA - Guidelines: Residential areas, roads, industrial complexes, golf courses, tourist complexes, excavation work, river restoration, and water resource development - Manuals: Residential areas, roads, golf course, sand excavation work Guidelines and manuals are uploaded to the KEI internet homepage, and results are made available for download to provide support and distribute information to project executives, and other interested parties negotiating or reviewing therewith. Content will be updated continuously. Through the foregoing procedure, it is expected that project executives can reduce the time required for changing designs, reconsultation, or supplementary consultation, and simplify the process of project preparation and reduce its associated social costs by reflecting the details of the guidelines and the manuals in the EIS a priori. Reviewers and consultants also can save time by preventing the omission of environmental items in the final EIS by substitution of already presented draft opinions as per the guidelines. In 2010 guidelines and manuals for an additional nine projects will be developed as the second stage of this project, whereupon research for 17 areas subject to EIA will also be completed. Furthermore, a guideline for administrative plans subject to Prior Environmental Investigation will be developed in 2011 in preparation for the next stage of this research project. □ Second stage(2010) ○ Type of projects subject to EIA - Guidelines: Energy, harbors, railroads, airports, land reclamation & clearing, development of mountainous areas, development of specific areas, sewage and waste processing, military facilities(total nine projects) - Manuals: Four main projects among the nine projects in the guidelines ○ Guideline for two administrative plans for two subject areas subject to Prior - Designation of housing development sites(i.e. urban development), master plan for road maintenance and improvement

Table Of Contents

제1장 서론
1. 연구사업의 성격
2. 가이드라인 개발 배경 및 목적
3. 연구사업의 대상범위
4. 연구사업의 방법 및 추진체계5
가. 연구사업의 방법
나. 연구사업 추진체계
제2장 가이드라인의 개발방향 및 내용 도출
1. 환경영향평가 대상 중점사업
2. 가이드라인 및 매뉴얼 기본방향
3. 가이드라인 및 매뉴얼 도출
가. 체크리스트 항목
나. 환경영향의 불확실성 고려 및 종합평가
다. 중점 검토항목 및 이에 따른 세부 작성사항
라. 매뉴얼 항목
제3장 연구사업 결과 및 지원
1. 표지 및 발간형태
2. 가이드라인 및 매뉴얼 구성과 활용방법
가. 가이드라인 구성
나. 항목별 중점검토 및 작성 시 세부 검토사항
다. 매뉴얼 사항
3. 사업유형별 환경영향평가서 작성 가이드라인 및 매뉴얼 결과
가. 사업별 공통적용사항
나. 사업유형별 연구결과
4. 연구사업 결과의 지원 및 활용방안
가. 자율적 환경평가 지원을 위한 정보구축 및 홍보?교육
나. 기존 관련 지침 등과의 상호보완 유도
다. 협의 및 검토업무 활용
제4장 지결론 및 향후 연구사업
1. 결론 및 기대효과
가. 결론
나. 기대효과
2. 향후 추진연구사업
부 록

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