4대강 살리기 사업을 위한 필요 전문기술인력 추정

4대강 살리기 사업을 위한 필요 전문기술인력 추정
이진희; 조을생; 정유진; 김호정; 정영욱
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
정책보고서 : 2009-09
343 p.
Job Creation through the ‘Four Major Rivers Restoration Project’ The 'Four Major Rivers Restoration Project' is the representative Green “New Deal” project in Korea, and has been heavily promoted by the Korean government both as a means to secure freshwater resources, and as a way of creating jobs and boosting the regional economy. To this end, the four rivers project has been envisioned not only as a means of directly creating jobs, through construction etc., but also as a basis for long term green growth that provides continuous employment effects through the introduction of specialized industrial technology. Accordingly, proposals to create jobs to ensure that this is a successful green new deal project are needed. In this study, our research team estimated the professional man-power directly needed for the execution of the project and reviewed associated green technologies and environmental industries. The 'Four Major Rivers Restoration Project' is being undertaken for multiple purposes. Some of these include: securing of water resources, prevention of flood damage, restoration of the aquatic ecosystem, creation of multi-use waterfront space, and promotion of regional development. The project is particularly focused on forestalling future water shortages by securing 1.3 billion cubic meters of water through dredging of waterways, and construction of small to mid-sized dams and reservoirs. The project will also increase the capacity of 200-year frequency flood control by 0.92 billion cubic meters. At the same time, related projects are set to increase the percentage of national waterways qualifying for a Grade II water quality rating from the current 76% to 83-86% by 2012. Ultimately, the project hopes to promote regional development, by using waterfront areas as spaces for culture and leisure, by developing scenic waterfront villages, and by creating a “four rivers of culture.” The total project budget has been set at 22.2 trillion Korean won (KRW). Among this, 12.9%, or 2.8 trillion KRW will be used for land compensation (i.e. “eminent domain”), while 680 billion Won, or 3.1% will be used for incidental expenses (including construction supervision, environmental impact assessment, research on cultural properties, and publicity). Aside from these expenses, a total of 18.7 trillion KRW will be invested in actual construction, to be divided into river maintenance (14.82 trillion KRW) and environmental infrastructure (3.88 trillion KRW). To estimate the man-power required for this project, we analyzed the “Master Plan for the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project (Final Report).” Project scale and budget was analyzed and resolved for each river basin. We classified the project’s human resources overall into “project planning,” “project operation,” and “follow up management.” Those areas were further subdivided into preparation of a master plan for river maintenance, preliminary environmental review, and environmental impact assessments (PER & EIA), river maintenance projects (dredging, levee reinforcement, river restoration, construction of dams and reservoirs, extension of estuary barrages, creation of bike pathways etc.), environmental infrastructure (wastewater treatment plants, advanced wastewater treatment processing, treatment of livestock manure, sewage pipelines etc.), and operation and maintenance (O&M) for water and environmental infrastructure, monitoring of water quantity and quality etc. We estimated the required technical man-power by reviewing the formula developed by the engineering companies and we also received consultation from working professionals. The total man-power for the project was estimated at 144,764 persons. Construction took 78.8% of the total at 144,764 persons, followed in decreasing order by design, construction supervision, O&M, PER & EIA, and preparation of the master plan. By location, the Nakdong river required 70,790 persons (48.9% of the total) followed by the Han river at 23,294 (16.1%), the Geum river at 20,836 (14.4%), the Yeongsan river at 17,772 (12.3), and the Seomjin river and tributaries at 12,072(8.3%). We also investigated systematic and mid to long term policies for efficient operations after completion of the project, as well as specialized technology that required more investment. Investment in environmental infrastructure and promotion of related industries will be necessary to reduce and remove pollutants and maintain water quality in the main courses of rivers. An integrated monitoring system for water quantity and quality based on green technologies like IT (information technology), BT (biotech) and NT (nanotech) needs to be established. Monitoring systems for effective management of water quality require experts who are able to regularly plan and design water quality monitoring networks as integrated watershed units; to verify and improve reliability of the collected data on water quality; and to conduct water quality modeling in concert with monitoring systems. Information technology specialists are also needed who can administer water quality monitoring systems, OMC; and remote transmission of data. Furthermore, researchers and specialists are needed to localize technologies for sensors and automation systems used in water quality monitoring, all of which have been imported thus far. Implementing environmentally-friendly water resource management, including upgrading water quality criteria, upgrading wastewater management systems, construction of systems for assessment of environmental hazards, introduction of TMDL (total maximum daily load) systems, introduction of effluent rights trading, the devising of independent energy generating sewerage systems, and the nurturing of the sewage processing industry in general will all require a pool of specialized human resources. Specialized human resources will also be required for systematic and legal management of non-point pollution, including upgrading of institutional standards, construction of a riverine eco-belt, construction of ecological manmade wetlands, and installation of stormwater filtration systems. With respect to information systems, the project’s IT needs can be divided into a number of major categories, including water use, flood control, riverine environment management, waterfront facilities, and integrated riverine management. Effective water use will require a real time water allocation system, ubiquitous embedded river facility monitoring systems, and information sharing between water related agencies. Flood control will require a high technology hydrology monitoring network, facility safety management system, and next generation flood warning system. Riverine environment management will consist of a river environment monitoring system, river environment warning and management system, and water pollution warning and response system. Waterfront facilities will require river tourism information systems, infrastructure for information & communication, and four river integrated total information management systems. Finally, integration of the foregoing systems and related man power will be necessary.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 내용
제2장 4대강 사업의 개요
1. 주요사업별 추진 내용
가. 수자원 확보
나. 홍수방어대책
다. 수질 개선 및 생태 복원
라. 복합공간 창조
2. 사업 시행 계획
제3장 4대강 사업 시행에 따른 직접소요인력 산정
1. 서 론
가. 단위 사업별 공사비 추정
나. 기술자 등급 및 기술 분야 분류
다. 전문가 자문
2. 하천환경정비 기본계획 수립
3. 사전환경성 및 환경영향평가
4. 기본 및 실시설계
가. 산출 근거
나. 기본 및 실시설계 소요인력 산정 결과
5. 시 공
가. 산출 근거
나. 시공 소요인력 산정 결과
6. 감 리
가. 산출근거
나. 감리 소요인력 산정 결과
7. 운영 관리
가. 하천정비사업 관련 소요 관리인력
나. 환경기초시설 관련 소요 관리인력
다. 유량 및 수질 모니터링 인력
8. 종합 결과
제4장 4대강 살리기와 녹색성장을 위한 물환경산업과 기술인력
1. 배 경
2. 4대강 사업 후 수문조사 관련 전문기술인력
3. 4대강 사업 후 수질 관리를 위한 모니터링과 기술인력
가. 서론
나. 국내 수질측정망 현황
다. 효율적 수질 관리를 위한 모니터링 체제 구축과 기술인력
4. 4대강 사업 후 수질 관리를 위한 환경기초시설 투자와 기술인력
가. 수질기준 선진화에 따른 일자리 창출
나. 폐수관리시스템 선진화 및 위해성 평가시스템 구축에 따른 일자리 창출
다. 수질오염총량관리제 및 배출권거래제도 관련 일자리 창출
라. 에너지 자립형 하수도시설 구축에 따른 일자리 창출
마. 하수도산업육성에 따른 일자리 창출
5. 4대강 하천통합 관리를 위한 Information Technology의 적용과 기술인력
가. 서론
나. IT 관련 기술
다. 정보화 시스템과 필요인력
제5장 결 론

참고 문헌


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