도서지역 용수공급 체계에 관한 고찰

도서지역 용수공급 체계에 관한 고찰
강연실; 박남식
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
기초연구보고서 : 2009-02
58 p.
Abstract A Study of Water Supply and Use in Small Islands An "island" is defined as any piece of land surrounded by water. Due to their inherent geographical features, many islands often suffer inveterate difficulty in attaining water and are vulnerable to natural disasters. On the other hand, only 29% of residents receive their water through municipal water supply systems. Accordingly, most residents suffer from a shortage of drinking water even after a slight drought. The water supply on small islands is provided via various sources, including rainwater, surface water, groundwater, desalination, importation, and water reuse. Water demand, however, cannot be satisfied, as the accessible quantity remains very limited. Emergency drinking water can be supplied from naval bases or K-water, especially in bad weather conditions like droughts and hurricanes. In addition, a variety of development projects are currently proceeding in the southwestern area (where most of small islands are located), so site-specific water supply and management are required to support increased water demand. This study aims (1) to investigate current water supply and management in small islands, (2) to analyze its problems and limitations, and (3) to suggest the methods for improvement. Literature and questionnaire surveys show that surface water, desalinated water, and groundwater are major water resources in small islands. The largest amount of water is supplied from surface water, while the largest number of islands receive supplies from groundwater. Each water resource, however, suffers from particular limitations: including water shortages and high salinity with groundwater, eutrophication caused by biological pollutants in surface water, and requirements for professional management when using desalination systems. Therefore, it is important to establish a water supply plan, which employs multiple water resources to overcome the limitations of each water resource and to prepare for problems with major water resources. UNESCO and Asian Development Bank recommend that the hydrological and socio-economic characteristics of each island should be considered in water management, in order to establish the appropriate policy and to meet the particular requirements thereof. They also provided a list of considerations in water supply planning, in order to prevent the ommission of essential items. Some of these, such as governance, public participation, and climate change adaptations, should be employed in water supply policy and management in South Korea. This study suggests several methods to improve the water supply and management of small islands: (1) a preliminary and comprehensive study of each island's current situation and history, (2) comparison of available water resource's adaptability and environmental friendliness, (3) simultaneous establishment of water supply plans by designing development projects, and (4) professional management and public participation.

Table Of Contents

차 례
제1장 서 론
1. 연구 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 내용 및 방법
제2장 도서지역의 특성
1. 도서의 정의
2. 국내 도서의 특성
가. 자연적 특성
1) 분포 및 지형
2) 수자원
나. 사회?경제적 특성
3. 도서지역 정책
제3장 도서지역 용수공급 현황
1. 도서지역의 용수공급 현황 조사
가. 조사 대상 및 시기
나. 조사 방법
2. 도서지역의 용수공급 현황 분석
가. 분석대상도서 선정
나. 기초 현황
1) 인구
2) 산업
3) 물관리기관
다. 용수공급 현황
1) 용수공급원
2) 급수시설
3) 수처리
4) 문제점
라. 지난 10년간 개선된 사항
제4장 도서지역 용수공급체계의 해외사례
1. 유네스코
가. 소규모 도서의 수자원 관리
나. 물가격 비교
2. 아시아개발은행
가. 용수 이용
1) 용수공급 및 수요
2) 문제점
나. 용수공급 관리
1) 법?제도적인 측면
2) 재정지원 및 물가격
3. 시사점
제5장 도서지역 용수공급체계의 개선방안
1. 지역 특성을 고려한 공급계획 수립
2. 용수공급원의 특성을 반영한 공급계획 수립
3. 전문적인 관리 및 주민 참여 토대 마련
제6장 결 론

참고 문헌
부록 1 국내 유인도서의 지하수 함양량
부록 2 일반상수도 미보급 도서 현황

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