폐기물재활용규제 선진화방안

폐기물재활용규제 선진화방안
Other Titles
포장 및 가전폐기물 중심으로
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
기초연구보고서 : 2009-03
41 p.
Abstract Reform of Waste Recycling Regulations -Packaging and Electronic Waste- From the mid 1990’s to the early 2000s, recognition of the importance of recycling has increased, and recycling has grown accordingly. Diverse waste recycling policies have since been established and enforced. At the same time, as regulations have grown more diverse, conflicts and redundancies among various recycling regulations have become increasingly visible. This study was thus intended to examine the current status of recycling policy, particularly in packaging material and home electronics (i.e. televisions, refrigerators, and washing machines), and to propose alternatives that can address redundancies therein. Some of the main recycling policies reviewed include recycling in the EPR system, improvements in materials, resource recycling appraisal systems, and regulations on packaging. 1) Findings for packaging materials The Extended Producer's Responsibility system, or “EPR” was introduced in 2003 and targeted four types of packaging material: paper cartons, glass bottles, metal cans, and plastic. EPR was intended to reduce and reuse packaging material by imposing compulsory annual requirements for packaging filler, as well as compulsory recycling requirements in accord with the amount of domestic consumption. Rates of compliance with respect to the foregoing four materials have exceeded 100% every year since 2003. Packaging waste reduction policy includes setting standards for packaging materials and methods (including space in packing materials and permissible layers of packaging), as well as annual reduction targets for use of non-biodegradable synthetic resins (e.g. polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride). Performance of this policy has been successful in some respects, but enforcement of regulations on packaging methods has been cursory at best. EPR has been introduced in many countries, including Europe and Japan, and for and for the most part these countries share a similar framework. Controls on packaging materials, including restrictions on use of PVC are being enforced there; however examples of regulations on packaging methods like packaging spacing and permissible layers of packaging are sparse. 2) Findings for electronics waste recycling Representative institutional systems to redeploy discarded household electronics products as a usable resource include the “Materials Improvement System” (1993), the EPR system (2003) and the “Resource recycling appraisal system” (2008). Refrigerators, televisions, and washing machines took up the lion’s share of home electronics waste, and the number of households and the amount of electronic waste show a parallel relationship. Rates of recycling have increased over 90% (except for washing machines). Improvement of policy in this area in the case of prior appraisal of recycling indicates that new models have improved on old ones in use of materials etc., however both old and new models showed similar levels of redeployment of recyclable resources. 3) Recommendations First, integrated evaluation and improvements of waste recycling regulations are needed. Examination of home electronics recycling indicated that policy with respect to materials etc. is still largely based on recommendations and voluntary compliance, and thus cannot be legally enforced or provide satisfactory results. Active effort will thus be needed if significant results are to be achieved. Second, redundancies between institutional systems for improvement of materials and recycling of (home electronics) resources should be eliminated. With respect to the recycling of materials in home electronics, annual changes in technology create difficulties in comparing old and new models, while the present system centered on producers produces mostly cursory and pro forma results. Resource recycling appraisal system also has similar deficiencies, thus mandating the integration and reorganization of these two systems. Third, substantial effort will be needed to increase rates of recycling of home electronics, including expansion of facilities, increase of compulsory levels of recycling requirement, and inspection of the material recovery status and methods of recycling. Fourth, the poor performance of regulations on packaging methods (packaging space and packaging layer regulation) needs to be improved. Fifth, reforms of production processes should also be promoted to discourage waste generation and to increase the efficiency of waste recycling systems and materials reuse. Reform of production processes is connected with the development of waste-reducing technology that can prevent environmental pollution from industrial development.

Table Of Contents

차 례
제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 필요성과 배경
2. 연구목적
제2장 포장폐기물재활용정책 현황과 성과
1. 생산자책임재활용제도
가. 법적근거
나. 대상제품
다. 주요내용
2. 포장폐기물 발생억제정책
가. 법적근거
나. 대상제품
다. 주요내용
3. 포장폐기물재활용정책의 성과
가. 포장재재활용 실적
나. 포장방법 및 포장 재질
다. 합성수지재질포장재 감량
라. 성과 평가 요약
4. 포장폐기물정책 규제의 흐름
5. 외국의 포장폐기물재활용정책
제3장 가전폐기물재활용정책 현황과 성과
1. 제품의 재질과 구조개선제도
가. 법적근거
나. 대상제품
다. 주요내용
2. 제품의 자원순환성평가제도
가. 법적근거
나. 대상제품
다. 주요내용
3. 생산자책임재활용제도
가. 법적근거
나. 대상품목
다. 주요내용
4. 가전폐기물 재활용정책의 성과
가. 수거 실적
나. 재활용 실적
다. 재질과 구조개선 성과
라. 가전폐기물 재활용정책의 성과 평가요약
5. 외국의 가전폐기물재활용정책
제4장 폐기물재활용제도 개선을 위한 제언

참고 문헌

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