지역단위 하수재이용 활성화를 위한 기초연구

지역단위 하수재이용 활성화를 위한 기초연구
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
기초연구보고서 : 2009-10
61 p.
A Preliminary Study for Facilitating Wastewater Reuse on a Regional Basis The rapid growth of urbanization and industrialization has exacerbated the water demand. Furthermore, water has long been taken for granted as an infinite resource, leading to water scarcity and quality deterioration due to the production of tremendous amounts of wastewater. In response to these problems, water reuse is now emerging as "The 3rd Water Industry" In Korea, water reclamation has been practiced mostly in building, which is unreliable in water supply, operation and management of the system. The reuse of water reclaimed in large wastewater treatment plants that are located mostly in suburbs or the coast requires costly infrastructure because the cost of transporting water is determined by how far it has to be carried and how high it has to be lifted. In this study, "sewer mining" was introduced, which is being implemented by the NSW((New South Wales) Government in Australia to secure water supplies and prepare for potential droughts or climate change. Sewer mining is the process of tapping into a sewer and extracting sewage which is then treated on site and used as recycled water suitable for a specific use. Moreover, sewer mining increases water supply reliability, and minimizes infrastructure requirements for distributing reclaimed water compared to conventional water reuse system. Therefore, application of sewer mining in Korea should be considered as an alternative for facilitating water reuse on a regional basis.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 배경 및 필요성
2. 연구의 목적
제2장 하수재이용 관련 제도 및 현황
1. 하수재이용의 개념 및 관련 제도
2. 국내·외 하수재이용 현황
가. 국내 개별 중수도 현황 및 수질기준
나. 국내 광역단위 하수재이용 현황 및 수질기준
다. 국외 하수재이용 현황 및 수질기준
라. 국내·외 하수재이용 처리기술 현황
마. 하수재이용 수처리 분리막 기술 현황
제3장 Sewer mining
1. Sewer mining 개념
2. Sewer mining 사업의 제도적 현황
가. Sewer mining 인·허가
나. Sewer mining 사업 추진
다. Sewer mining 하수 비용
3. Sewer mining 적용 사례
4. Sewer mining 운영 시 고려사항 및 문제점
가. 하수 수질 및 유량
나. 홍보 부족
다. 경제성 평가 및 정책 규제
제4장 결 론
1. Sewer mining 시스템의 국내 적용 타당성
2. 통합적 수자원관리 측면에서의 하수재이용 governance
3. 지속적이고 안정적인 투자계획 및 제도적 뒷받침
4. 체계적인 교육 및 홍보 프로그램 개발

참고 문헌

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