실시간 수질 모니터링 및 모델링 체계에 관한 고찰

실시간 수질 모니터링 및 모델링 체계에 관한 고찰
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
기초연구보고서 : 2009-13
43 p.
Study of Real Time Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling Systems Advances in information technology now allow the real time-spatial analysis of water quality of rivers and lakes. The Ministry of Environment currently operates an automatic water quality monitoring system in order to obtain continuous water quality data, to comprehensively understand the status of water quality, to collect proper information for effective management of watersheds, and to build early warning systems. In this study, I reviewed the structures and functions of real time water quality monitoring and modeling systems which are able to enhance the usability of information so obtained as well as to effectively manage the water quality of rivers, lakes and reservoirs. In order to understand systems currently operating in Korea, I examined three cases including the automatic national water quality monitoring system operated by the Ministry of Environment, the water quality monitoring system run by the Korea Water Resources Cooperation, and the real time data service by the Integrated Preservation Study on Oceanic Environments in the Saemangeum Area. Studies were also reviewed on water quality modeling linked with auto monitoring systems in Korea. In addition, I investigated real time monitoring and modeling systems in other countries including the US, Japan, and Europe, where the importance of automatic monitoring systems has been widely acknowledged. Three examples were introduced, including the continuous water quality monitoring system in Japan and the Lake Biwa case study the water quality monitoring system in the US and real time monitoring and modeling at USGS in Kansas State; and the automatic water quality management system via ICPR and ICPDR. Finally, from the advanced systems in other countries, the study deduced comments and suggestions with respect to the current national water quality auto monitoring system.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 배경 및 필요성
2. 연구의 목적
제2장 국내 실시간 수질 모니터링 및 모델링 체계 현황
1. 개요 및 정의
2. 국가 수질자동측정망 현황
가. 수질자동측정망 구성 및 운영
나. 측정 위치
다. 측정 항목
라. 조기경보체계
3. 국내 수질자동측정망 사례
가. 한국수자원공사
나. 새만금지구 자동수질 모니터링 시스템
4. 실시간 수질 모니터링 시스템과 연계된 모델링 현황
가. 실시간 탁수 감시 및 예측 시스템(Real-time Turbidity Monitoring & Modeling System, RTMMS)
나. 도시 하천 내 자동수질측정장치 및 수질 모델의 사용
다. 실시간 수질 예측을 위한 신경망 모형 적용
제3장 주요국의 실시간 모니터링 및 모델링 체계 현황
1. 일본의 수질오염연속 모니터링 체계
2. 미국의 수질 모니터링 체계
3. 유럽의 수질자동측정시스템
제4장 결론 및 제언

참고 문헌

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