신도시의 물순환 건전화를 위한 그린인프라 조성 기준에 대한 연구

신도시의 물순환 건전화를 위한 그린인프라 조성 기준에 대한 연구
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
기초연구보고서 : 2009-17
64 p.
Abstract Criteria for Construction of Green Infrastructure to Upgrade Water Management in New Cities “Green infrastructure” refers to an interconnected network of green space that is planned and managed for its inherent value as a natural resource, as well as for the associated benefits it provides to the population. Green infrastructure networks provide many ecological benefits including ones that residents may take for granted, or even be unaware of. In this study, we focused on the water management functions provided by green infrastructure, including its critical function as a massive water filter and natural reservoir. In Korea, both residents and the government have treated green infrastructure as a site for leisure activities and recreation, and as a location for items of scenic value, as is evident in laws governing parks, greenbelts, and landscaping. The role of green infrastructure in water management, and particularly in water circulation, however, has often been overlooked. To this end, this study divided “green Infrastructure” into two categories. The first category is green infrastructure whose planning should precede what is traditionally thought of as “infrastructure” (i.e. the “gray infrastructure” of roads, buildings, and sewers). For this kind of green infrastructure, we proposed several criteria including DEM, soil type, land use, streams and stream buffer, topology, and water flow direction and accumulation. The other category of green infrastructure is green infrastructure devised after planning or constructing of other infrastructure (i.e. “gray infrastructure”). This kind of green infrastructure is aimed to reduce the detrimental effects of gray infrastructure, particularly with regard to its generally water impermeable surfaces, on water managementin the area in respect of to water filtration and storage. We also proposed several criteria in planning and constructing this latter variety of green infrastructure. We also noted that in addition to its effects on the water supply, green infrastructure can also positively affect climate change in the immediate area by reducing the effect of urban heat islands.

Table Of Contents

차 례
제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 목적
2. 연구의 배경 및 필요성
제2장 그린인프라의 정의와 동향
1. 그린인프라의 정의와 구성 요소
가. 정의
나. 구성 요소 및 기능
2. 그린인프라 동향
가. 미국
나. 유럽
다. 한국
제3장 도시개발과 물순환의 변화
1. 도시개발과 물순환의 관계
2. 유역 물순환 변화
가. 유출량 변화
나. 수질 변화
다. 수온 변화
라. 생물다양성 변화
3. 도시유역의 물순환 영향 저감 기법 및 제도
가. 저영향개발
나. 국내 관련 법제도
제4장 그린인프라 적용 사례
1. 오픈 스페이스 보존
2. 녹색길
3. 지역지구제
4. Charles River Watershed Association(CRWA)의 Blue City
5. 일본의 네야가와 유역 물순환계 재생구상과 유역저장침투 사업
제5장 그린인프라 조성 기준과 계획
1. 그린인프라 분류
2. 그린인프라 조성 기준
가. 기타 기반시설 계획 전(前)
나. 기타 기반시설 계획 후
3. 그린인프라 계획
가. 단계
나. 계획에서의 접근방법
제6장 결론 및 제언
1. 결론
2. 제언

참고 문헌

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