식생과 토양의 역할을 고려한 저탄소 토지이용계획 수립방안 II

식생과 토양의 역할을 고려한 저탄소 토지이용계획 수립방안 II
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
연구보고서 : 2010-14
268 p.
The role of vegetation and soil in absorbing and storing carbon is important in enhancing and conserving carbon reduction capabilities in devising land-use plans. The Korean government has established the "Green Growth" goal to push ahead with the plan for developing environmentally friendly land and urban areas. Moreover, as stipulated in "Framework act on low carbon, green growth," carbon absorption sources such as vegetation and soil need to be increased in volume. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to suggest strategies of low carbon land-use planning, taking into account the carbon reduction capabilities of vegetation and soil over a two-year span (2009~2010). In the first year, policy directions were established for land use plans that consider the role of vegetation and soil, and proposals for land use plans at the regional and national level were forwarded. This year, detailed political strategies will be devised by analyzing the improvements needed when developing environmental assessment and comprehensive urban plans via case studies. Also formulated will be political strategies by each disparate space unit in the region will be arranged to efficiently establish land use-plans and proper methods for calculating the amount of carbon storage and absorption. In order to examine the changes of carbon storage, absorption, and emission in environmental assessment, four case studies were selected: housing redevelopment project, residential development project, housing construction project, and photovoltaic power plant construction project. The result shows that carbon storage and absorption decreased and carbon emission increased in case of project implementation more so than in case of no implementation, with the exception of the case of the housing redevelopment project. Therefore, the consideration for the effects of the carbon emission sources as well as absorption sources is needed in environmental assessment which takes into account only the amount of carbon emission of greenhouse gases. To achieve this requires that the amount of carbon storage and absorption in no project implementation should be kept to a minimum even after implementation. In addition, to the minimization of the destruction of carbon absorption sources and preservation of the current topography need to be considered and included in the stage of project planning and site designation. Gangneung city was selected for examining the improvement of comprehensive urban plans. The result predicts that the amount of carbon storage and absorption will decrease by the goal year compared to the basic year. Therefore, the amount of carbon storage and absorption by the goal year should be reflected in developing comprehensive urban plans. As shown above, in order to establish efficient land-use plans, a nationwide target value of carbon storage and absorption under the basic principle of maximization of carbon storage and absorption needs to be set, and then the establishment of the detailed land-use plans to achieve an allocated amount of political target value by space units at the municipal and local level. Moreover, carbon credit awarded by additory carbon can be provided as incentives or used as market mechanisms. This study has developed reliable methods for calculating the amount of carbon storage and absorption to efficiently implement such plans, with the consideration for building an organizational system for managing carbon absorption sources.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
가. 연구의 범위
나. 연구의 방법
다. 1차년도 주요 연구 결과와 전체 연구과정
제2장 식생과 토양의 탄소저장량 산정방법
1. 도시에서의 식생의 역할
가. 탄소흡수원으로서의 식생
나. 식생의 부가기능
2. 토양의 역할
가. 지구의 탄소순환과 토양유기물의 역할
나. 토양구조에서 탄소격리
다. 탄소순환을 고려한 토양유기물 관리
3. 식생 탄소저장·흡수량 산정방법
가. 탄소저장량 산정
나. 탄소흡수량 산정
4. 토양 탄소저장량 산정방법
가. 국외 토양 탄소저장량
나. IPCC 토양 탄소저장량 인용값의 국내 적용을 위한 검토
다. 국내 토양 탄소저장량
라. 토양 탄소저장량 산정방안
5. 식생 탄소저장·흡수량 산정방법 비교
가. 탄소저장량 산정
나. 탄소흡수량 산정
다. 적용성 검토
제3장 환경성평가 적용사례 및 개선방안
1. 적용사례
가. ○○2지구 보금자리주택 건설사업
나. 화성○○2지구 택지개발사업
다. ○○태양광발전소 건설사업
라. ○○○뉴타운 3구역 주택재개발사업
2. 개선방안
가. 사업시행 후 탄소저장·흡수량의 목표 설정
나. 흡수원 훼손 최소화를 위한 토지이용계획 수립
다. 현재 지형을 최대한 살리는 토지이용계획 수립
제4장 도시기본계획 적용사례 및 개선방안
1. 적용사례
가. 강릉시 도시기본계획 수립개요
나. 기준연도(2003년)에서의 탄소저장 및 흡수량
다. 목표연도(2020년)에서의 탄소저장 및 흡수량
라. 탄소저장 및 흡수량의 변화
2. 개선방안
가. 현황 및 문제점
나. 탄소저장·흡수 목표량 설정을 위한 지침 개정
제5장 저탄소 토지이용계획 수립을 위한 정책방안
1. 기본 원칙
2. 정책방안
가. 공간계획 단계별 탄소흡수원 관리전략
나. 탄소저장·흡수능을 고려한 환경성평가
다. 시장메커니즘 도입을 통한 탄소흡수원 관리전략
라. 흡수원관리를 위한 조직체계 구축
3. 연구의 한계 및 제언
가. 연구의 한계
나. 제언
참고 문헌
부록 1 : 토양유기물의 역할
부록 2 : 국외 탄소저장·흡수량 산정사례
부록 3 : 우리나라 임지토양 검토
부록 4 : 사업별 탄소 흡수·저장·배출량 산정
부록 5 : 탄소흡수원에 대한 지침 검토
부록 6 : 탄소흡수원 활용물질

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