도시계획의 전략환경평가를 위한 기후요소 평가기법의 해외사례 분석

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.author 엄정희 -
dc.contributor.other 유승헌 -
dc.date.accessioned 2017-07-05T01:35:56Z -
dc.date.available 2017-07-05T01:35:56Z -
dc.date.issued 20110817 -
dc.identifier A 환1185 WP2011-02 -
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.kei.re.kr/handle/2017.oak/19751 -
dc.identifier.uri http://library.kei.re.kr/dmme/img/001/012/기초2011-02(엄정희)R.pdf -
dc.description.abstract This study was carried out to analyze international case studies concerning urban climate assessment, which focus on Strategic Environmental Assessment of urban and regional planning, and suggest implications that could improve the domestic urban climate assessment based on the study's findings. To accomplish its goals, the study analyzed its case studies of German environmental assessment process. Relevant case studies of German Strategic Environmental Assessments on urban and regional development plans were selected, and the selected cases were reviewed based on: 1) assessment factors, 2) assessment methodology, and 3) base materials used for the assessment. Hence, it was found that, based on the existing spatial information on urban climate, Germany has developed an assessment method which is classified using assessment factors that could be linked to urban and regional development plans, and Germany is presently assessing the impact of urban and regional development plans on urban climate using this method. Furthermore, this study reviewed both current environmental assessment systems and researches about urban climate assessment related to urban and regional planning in Korea to identify the present conditions and limitations of national policies and research on urban climate assessment. Upon analyzing national environmental assessment systems, specifically urban climate assessment included in Prior Environmental Review System(PERS) and Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA), it was found that comprehensive assessment of climatic and environmental changes as a result of urban development plans was limited. Moreover, it was found upon reviewing the domestic research trends of Korea that various researches were being conducted to establish a scientific basis for introducing urban climate factors into environmental assessment and urban planning, but they focused on specific categories, such as wind fields and temperature, rather than conducting a comprehensive analysis of various urban climatic characteristics. In addition, the majority of analyses were for impacts of buildings and apartment complexes, as well as for impact on the urban microclimate. Nonetheless, some researches on integrated urban climate and assessment methodology on the entire city for planning purposes are presently carrying out, and this effort is predicted to have future uses in implementing Strategic Environmental Assessment on urban development plans or preparing comprehensive urban policies for the entire city. Based on the study's research results, following implications for improving Strategic Environmental Assessment of urban and regional planning in Korea were suggested. First, implications for Korea in terms of assessment factors were found by observing the 'climate' category of German legal provisions. The German Federal Nature Protection Act specifically stipulates the management, development, and restoration of 'climate,' along with other environmental mediums, and it also provides specific stipulation on the need to prepare nature protection and landscape management measures for spaces with favorable atmospheric and climatic characteristics. In Korea, the Clean Air Conservation Act stresses the importance of wind ventilation considerations so as to not hinder the circulation of air pollutants when establishing development plans, but in order to take all urban climate factors into consideration comprehensively, the Framework Act on Environmental Policy and Environmental Impact Assessment Act must stipulate 'climate' as environmental medium and specify its definition and exact purpose of use. Next, it is necessary from the assessment methodology perspective to classify the degree of decrease in wind ventilation or air pollutants rather than simply providing numerical descriptions of the information. To accomplish this goal, various researches on integrated climate analysis and assessment methodology based on spatial information must be carried out, as classification of such information are important for the utilization of environmental assessment in urban and regional planning. Finally, in terms of base materials for environmental assessment, the study suggests the establishment of a spatial information database that takes into account urban climate factors. In Germany, the establishment of 'climate' conditions and analysis are recorded in the form of spatial data, thereby allowing atmospheric environmental assessments based on the collected spatial data and enabling environmental assessment policies to contribute in environmentally-friendly urban planning. As such, the establishment of long-term urban climate maps, such as climate analysis map and planning recommendation map for urban climate, are necessary. In particular, if a spatial information database of urban climate is constructed using the uniform basic spatial information databases previously built all across the country and if a standardized urban climate assessment methodology based on this newly constructed database is developed, it would establish a foundation for urban climate assessment which could be uniformly utilized for various fields. -
dc.description.abstract 본 연구에서는 환경평가의 대상 및 제도 중 도시계획에 대한 전략환경평가를 중심으로 기후요소 평가기법에 대한 해외사례를 분석하였다. 특히, 에너지·환경적으로나 생태·건강적으로 건전한 도시를 건설하기 위해 각 환경매체에 대해 공간정보를 구축하고 이를 공간환경계획에 활용하고 있는 독일의 사례를 분석하였으며, 이는 정책제안 위주의 환경보전계획보다는 공간을 바탕으로 한 정량적인 환경계획을 추진하고자 하는 최근의 국내 동향과 맞물려서 더 의미가 있을 것으로 판단된다. 그리고, 국내 환경평가제도에서의 도시기후요소 평가 현황 및 이에 관한 국내 연구 동향을 고찰함으로써 국내 제도와 연구의 한계점을 살펴보았다. 나아가 독일사례 고찰을 바탕으로, 향후 국내에서 도시계획의 전략환경평가와 관련한 기후요소 평가기법을 개선하기 위한 시사점을 제시하였다. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 <br>1. 연구 배경 및 목적 <br>2. 연구 내용 및 구성 <br><br>제2장 도시기후 평가기법의 해외사례 검토 및 분석 <br>1. 베를린 시 토지이용계획과 공간환경계획을 위한 전략환경평가 <br> 가. 도시기후 평가요소 <br> 나. 도시기후 평가방법(평가틀) <br> 다. 도시기후 평가를 위한 기반자료 <br>2. 독일 북튀링겐 지역계획에 대한 전략환경평가 <br> 가. 도시기후 평가요소 <br> 나. 도시기후 평가방법 <br> 다. 도시기후 평가를 위한 기반자료 <br><br>제3장 도시기후 평가기법의 국내 현황 검토 및 분석 <br>1. 환경평가제도에서의 도시기후 평가 <br> 가. 사전환경성검토 <br> 나. 환경영향평가 <br> 다. 환경평가제도에서의 도시기후 평가의 문제점 <br>2. 도시기후 분석 및 평가에 관한 국내 연구 동향 <br> 가. 환경평가와 연계한 도시기후 분석 및 평가 연구 <br> 나. 도시계획과 연계한 도시기후 분석 및 평가 연구 <br> 다. 도시기후인자 분석·평가에 관한 국내 연구의 한계점 <br>제4장 국내의 도시기후 평가기법 개선을 위한 시사점 <br>1. 평가요소 측면 <br>2. 평가방법 측면 <br>3. 평가를 위한 기반자료 측면 <br><br>제5장 결 론 <br><br>참고문헌 <br><br>Abstract -
dc.format.extent 55 p. -
dc.publisher 한국환경정책·평가연구원 -
dc.title 도시계획의 전략환경평가를 위한 기후요소 평가기법의 해외사례 분석 -
dc.type 기초연구 -
dc.title.original Review on evaluation methods of urban climatic factors for strategic environmental assessment in urban planning -
dc.title.partname Working Paper -
dc.title.partnumber 2011-02 -
dc.description.keyword 환경평가 -
dc.contributor.authoralternativename Um -
dc.contributor.authoralternativename Jung Hee -
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