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Showing results 41 to 60 of 1080

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-11-15A study on enhancing social acceptance of environmental policies : focusing on environmental cultureKongjang Cho; Soobin Kim
2015-12-28A study on environmental diseases attributable to PM2.5 in childrenHyun-Joo BAE
2015-12-28A study on establishment and management of a long-term heatwave plan addressing climate changeJongsik HA; Huicheul JUNG
2013-11-01A study on integrated management of water quantity and quality of four major riversLee; Byung-Kook
2018-12-31A study on program of education for sustainable development utilizing oriental white storkHag-Lyeol Lyu; Young-Sook Nam
2020-10-31A study on providing land and building information considering climate change adaptationJiyoung Shin; Hyunjoo Park; Chaeyoung Bae; Taehyun Kim; Hoon Chang; Eunseok Lee; Wooseok Han; Christoph Sch?nemann; Reinhard Schinke; Regine Ortlepp
2013-11-01A study on strategic electricity pricing for reducing resources and environmental risks in KoreaKang; Man Ok
2020-12-15A study on sustainable livestock manure managementEulsaeng Cho; Sora Yi; Youngman Yoon; Dongwon Shin; Boeun Hwang
2019-07-15A study on the cumulative risk assessment for safety management of household chemical productsDawoon Jung; Sora Yi; Sung Ji Yoon; Shi Jin Kim
2019-06-30A study on the current status of bird collisions with manmade structures in Korea and improving reduction methods and environmental impact assessment이후승
2019-12-31A study on the inter-Korean cooperation for establishing the oriental stork ecology networkYoung-Sun Yoon; Young-Sook Nam
2019-07-31A study on the linked management of environmental media in contaminated sitesSang Il Hwang; Kyung Yang; Yong Ha Park; Ah Young Jung
2016-11-30A study on the measures for improving effectiveness of the usage on the big data of environmental noisesYoung Min PARK; Kyoung Min KIM
2022-03-31A Study on the Wetland Education in Elementary School Curriculum손지영; 남영숙
2016-12-22A study on water environment policy under changing water demand for environmental flow and recreation waterHojeong KIM
2015-12-31Act on registration and evaluation, etc. of chemical substances(ARECS)Suh; Yang-Won
2017-12-31Activation Plan for the Electric Vehicles MarketJin-Seok Hahn
2007-09-30AHP를 이용한 연안·해양보호구역 지정기준 개선 연구남정호
2015-03-31AHP와 ANP를 이용한 부문별 온실가스 감축 이행 방안 중요도 비교 분석이상엽; 김광모
2009-01-05Allbaro (Online Waste Disposal Verification System)Hyun Soo Joo
