Practical environmental protection measures through the subscription of the ‘aarhus-convention’ : focusing on the introduction of the evironmental group litigation system
본 연구는 오르후스 협약의 가입을 통하여 일본을 제외한 주요 선진국가에서 채택하고 있는 환경단체소송제도를 입법적으로 도입할 것을 주장하고 그 방안을 제시하였다. 논문의 결과로서 환경단체의 원고 적격을 규정한 환경단체소송법안과 환경훼손법안을 제시하였다. 그럼으로써 국민의 환경피해구제는 물론 자연환경과 생태계 훼손방지를 실질화하고, 더 나아가 기후위기로 인한 피해에 대해서도 사전예방 및 사후적 피해구제를 현실화할 수 있는 방안에 관하여 논의하고자 하였다. [핵심주제어] 오르후스 협약, 환경단체소송, 환경피해구제, 자연환경과 생태계 훼손방지, 기후위기로 인한 피해 This study insists on the legal introduction of the environmental group litigation system adopted by leading developed countries, excluding Japan, through the Aarhus Convention and suggests a plan for its implementation. As a result of this treatise, the environmental group litigation law and the environmental damage law that stipulate the eligibility for manuscripts of environmental organizations were presented. This study attempted to discuss ways of realizing the prevention of damage to the natural environment and ecosystem as well as remedies for environmental damage caused by humans. Furthermore, it discussed preventive and subsequent damage relief for damage caused by the climate crisis. [Key Words] Aarhus-Convention, The Environmental Group Litigation, Environmental Damage of the People, Prevention of Damage to the Natural Environment and Ecosystem, Damage Caused by the Climate Crisis