국토자연자원의 현명한 이용전략 수립 I

국토자연자원의 현명한 이용전략 수립 I
노백호; 박용하; 윤기란
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
녹색성장연구보고서 : 2009-06
210 p.
Development of Wise Use and Smart Conservation Strategies for Natural Resources in Korea I As the global environment decays and resources become increasingly depleted, worldwide cooperation on environmental issues is coming increasingly to the fore. Increasingly, a well-maintained environment is a key factor in evaluating national competitiveness. Natural resources have thus transcended their simple environmental function, to provide multiple social and economic functions in a complex and mutualistic relationship. Concurrently, the international context for the potential use and management of natural resources is also changing, with natural resources now increasingly regarded as an important factor in reducing poverty and supporting the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Furthermore, natural resources can provide the basis for long-term sustainable “pro-poor” growth. Management policy for natural resources is also in flux, with most international organizations and the governments of advanced countries carefully monitoring developments in “wise-use” of resources in relation to regional development. “Wise-use” as a development concept refers to the sustainable use of natural resources that have high conservation value, ensuring that such resources are both conserved, and made available as a potential opportunity factor for regional development. Korea has also kept up with these developments by vigorously pursuing new economic and social paradigms for a “Green Korea”. However, discussions about national resources and regional revitalization that are phrased purely in economic terms have not been sufficient. New resource management strategies will be needed that can pursue regional economic revitalization while simultaneously creating new value in environmental terms. To this end, this study examines the relationship between regional development, wise use, and ”smart” conservation of natural resources, and then deduces factors for success by analyzing trends in policy and best practices in both the domestic and international spheres. Natural resource focused regional development typically goes through four stages: “introduction,” “growth,” “maturity,” and “decline.” This process involves seeking out core and subsidiary resources via analysis of their regional distribution, and then applying them directly (via creation of economic value) and indirectly (via creation of positive externalities) for the purposes of economic development. Various factors can affect this process, including resource activities in the region, institutional capacities, and the material base of the region in question. The actual process of application of natural resources and the success factors therein are correspondingly diverse. To confirm our propositions, we performed in-depth analysis on four case studies. Common success factors in all cases were ① the interest and motivation of the main agents in conservation, and their cooperation with external organizations ② establishment of a management plan to preserve the ecological value of natural resources; and ③ festivals, events, and industrialization. At the same time, each case study had its own development trajectory in accordance with regional characteristics and degree of influence from influence factors. In the case of Hoesan’s White Lotus Lake, a “White Lotus Industrial Cluster” based on a cooperation system was devised to leverage “white lotuses,” a local natural resource, into a new industrial item that spurred development in the region. As this development was more focused on ”utility” (i.e. product development and branding) rather than “conservation” per se, Muan will need to devise a habitat protection plan if it is to effectively preserve this natural resource. In the case of Cheonsu Bay, the structure of the organization committee, based on cooperation with public officials, local residents, research institutions, and environmental groups, was the key factor, leading to the hosting of the Cheonsuman Bird Watching Fair every year since 2002. In the case of Suncheon Bay, its major success factor was inducing residents’ participation in resource management through the creation of a separate management organization, thus creating a basis for income generation. Such wise use and smart conservation of natural resources has led it to become the representative eco-tourist location in Korea. Today Suncheon is moving forward with plans to transfer the use functions of Suncheon Bay into the downtown area to ensure preservation of the core Suncheon area, and integrate natural resources and space management. Finally, the Woopo Wetlands is a case where a region was able to develop its core resource, i.e. wetlands, and discover a new additional core resource, the sacred ibis, during the aforementioned “growth” stage. The project to restore the sacred ibis is contributing to increase biodiversity and regional brand value. This region is thus making a long-term eco-tourism plan based on the “Woopo Wetlands,” that has strong potential for future growth. Lastly, this study suggested basic directions and policy proposals for "wise use and smart conservation strategies for natural resources in Korea" by classifying such proposals into five categories: “discovery of resources,” “wise use and smart conservation plans,” “organization,” “management and branding,” and “preparation of a legal basis.” Further study will focus on mapping natural resources by building a spatial distribution database that classifies resources according to form, region, and development stage.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서론
1. 연구의 배경 및 필요성
2. 연구의 목적
3. 선행연구 고찰
4. 연구의 내용과 방법
가. 연구내용
나. 연구방법
다. 연구과정
제2장 국토자연자원의 개념과 현명한 이용
1. 국토자연자원의 개념과 유형
가. 국토자연자원의 개념
나. 국토자연자원의 유형
다. 국토자연자원의 특성과 가치
2. 국토자연자원의 현명한 이용
가. 현명한 이용의 개념과 관련 논의
나. 국토자연자원의 보전 및 이용전략과 활용유형
다. 국토자연자원과 지역발전과의 관계
제3장 국내외 정책동향과 관련 사례 검토
1. 국토자연자원의 보전 및 이용 정책 동향
가. 국외 동향
나. 국내 현황과 문제점
2. 국토자연자원의 보전 및 이용 관련 사례
가. 국외 사례
나. 국내 사례
3. 정책동향과 사례를 통해 살펴본 특징과 시사점
제4장 주요 우수사례의 자원활용 시스템 분석
1. 사례분석 방법과 틀
2. 주요 우수사례의 자원활용 시스템 분석
가. 전남 무안군, 회산백련지
나. 충남 서산시, 천수만
다. 전남 순천시, 순천만
라. 경남 창녕군, 우포늪
3. 주요 우수사례 분석의 종합 검토
제5장 국토자연자원의 보전 및 이용전략
1. 국토자연자원의 보전 및 이용전략의 기본방향
2. 정책적 제안
제6장 결론

자연자원 보전 및 이용에 관련된 사업 및 정책 현황
자연자원 보전 및 이용에 관련된 국외 사례
사례지역 설문조사지

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