환경가치 DB 구축 및 원단위 추정 II

환경가치 DB 구축 및 원단위 추정 II
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
녹색성장연구보고서 : 2010-05
122 p.
Construction of an Environmental Valuation Database and Analysis of Valuation Studies of Korea II The importance of incorporating environmental values in the decision-making process has increased in Korea. Accordingly, the main purpose of this project is to construct an on-line database for environmental valuation studies conducted in Korea and to assist in related policy assessment by providing comprehensive information on environmental valuation. The specific objectives of this three-year project are to 1) provide classification on environmental assets/services, 2) design and construct an environmental valuation on-line database, and 3) apply meta-regression benefit transfers to previous empirical studies to derive representative unit values of environmental assets/services. In 2009, a classification system on environmental assets/services in the Korean context was devised and presented, and the basic framework of the on-line database was completed. Subsequently in 2010, input and output modules of the DB have been standardized, and Environmental Valuation Information System (EVIS) was launched for a test-run. As of September 30, 2010, a total of 234 valuation studies are summarized in the EVIS. Preliminary meta-regression analyses were performed on the sectors that have enough observations, namely valuation studies of forest services and recreational values of park. Results from these analyses appear promising because the signs of independent variables support the hypotheses on the relationship between dependent and independent variables despite the rather small number of observations used in the analyses. Looking forward, the effort on the stabilization of DB will be continued, and the manuals for user/data manager will be prepared in 2011. In addition, as the DB accumulates data, meta-regression analyses will be further developed with more observations and improved methodology, providing estimates of unit values of environmental goods and services. A developed database will assist decision makers in the government and industry as well as academics in incorporating environmental values into their cost benefit analyses, environmental impact assessment, project appraisals, and overall assessment of changes in environmental quality.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서론
1. 연구의 배경과 목적
2. 연구의 내용과 범위
제2장 환경가치 분류체계
1. 환경자원/서비스 분류체계
2. 추정기법 분류체계
제3장 환경가치 DB 구축현황
1. 주화면 구성
2. 검색모듈 개발현황
가. 메뉴기능을 활용한 검색
나. 주제어를 활용한 검색
다. 목록 정렬기능
3. 입력모듈 개발현황
가. 출력정보 구성
나. 입력모듈 표준화
제4장 환경가치 DB 분석: 자료현황 및 원단위 비교분석
1. 자료구축 현황
2. 원단위 비교분석
제5장 환경가치 DB 분석: 메타회귀분석의 적용
1. 산림분야 선행연구의 특성
가. 자료의 수집 및 처리
나. 자료의 특성
2. 공원분야 선행연구의 특성
가. 자료의 수집 및 처리
나. 자료의 특성
3. 메타회귀분석을 활용한 원단위 추정
가. 메타회귀분석의 개요
나. 모델설정
다. 산림의 메타회귀분석 결과
라. 공원의 메타회귀분석 결과
마. 소결
제6장 결론
부록 1: 해외 환경가치 DB 분류체계 및 운영현황
부록 2: 환경가치의 개념과 추정기법

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