2019-10-15 | Improving effectiveness of strategic environmental impact assessment (SEIA) in gricultural water resource development planning : with an emphasis on conjunctive use of groundwater-wurface water | Kyoung-Ho Kim; Jong Yoon Park; Who Seung Lee; Jun Yeong An; Ji Yeon Ha |
2017-06-30 | In Pursuit of Environmentally Friendly Forest Policy in Korea | 이현우 ; 홍정현 |
2008-02-15 | Integrated Environmental and Economic Modeling : A National CGE Model for Korea (요약보고서) | 강상인 |
2005-12-01 | Integrated Management System for Sewerage Facilities and BTL Project for Sewage Pipe in Korea | Lee; Byung-Kook; Song; Young-Il |
2021-12-31 | Integrated Water Management | Jong Ho Ahn [et al] |
2017-06-29 | International Exchange and Cooperation Program for Environmental Assessment | Nankyoung Moon |
1996 | International symposium & experts'' meeting APEC Virtual Center for Environmental Technology Exchange 참가보고 | 이기옥 |
2022-12-31 | Interrelationships Among Environmental Regulations, Technological Innovations, and Productivity in South Korea | Byung Min Soon; Dong Won Shin |
2017-02-24 | Introduction of the framework act on resource circulation toward establishin a resource-circulating society in Korea | Han; Sang-Un |
2017-10-31 | IPCC 신시나리오 체계를 적용한 우리나라 기후변화의 피해비용 분석 | 채여라 |
1994-12-30 | ISO 환경관리규격 제정동향 및 대응방안 연구 | 문현주 |
2003-09-17 | KEI 2002 연구보고서 요약집. | - |
2004-01-01 | KEI 2003 연차보고서 | - |
2004-12-29 | KEI 2004 연차보고서 | - |
2006-04-30 | KEI 2005 연차보고서 | - |
2007-03-31 | KEI 2006 연차보고서 | - |
2007-03-31 | KEI 2006 연차보고서(영문) | - |
2009-01-23 | KEI 2007 annual report | - |
2009-01-23 | KEI 2007 연차보고서 | - |
2009-04-14 | KEI 2008 연차보고서 | - |