CCS 관련 해외 환경관리 제도 및 연구 동향 분석

CCS 관련 해외 환경관리 제도 및 연구 동향 분석
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
Working Paper : 2010-16
80 p.
CCS related foreign environmental management system and research trend analysis CCS is a new technology that can reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and become a new growth power simultaneously. The International Energy Agency (IEA, 2010) predicted that CCS technology will contribute nineteen percent of the global CO2 reduction by 2050. Developed countries such as the United States, EU, Australia, Japan are also pursuing CCS commercialization. On July of 2010, the Korean government also established a plan to pursue a grand scale CO2 capture-sequestration plant demonstration business by 2020, with its 「comprehensive national CCS promotion plan」. CCS is a technology that compresses and transports CO2 collected from massive sources of CO2 and processes them on the land or sea. Existing domestic CCS related policies mostly consisted of research and development investment on the capture technology. However, in order to commercialize CCS, related infrastructure construction must be carried out simultaneously, in addition to technology development. With such background, this research was performed as a base research to seek CCS environment management direction required for pursuing CCS commercialization. First of all, the present status of CCS related technology development and each country's policy trends were reviewed (Chapter 2). Also, current situation of foreign directives and guidelines for CCS related environmental management was examined (Chapter 3). The precedence cases of environmental assessment performed during the CCS demonstration project promotion process were studied (Chapter 4). Based on review materials such as foreign policies for CCS environmental management, precedence cases and precedence studies, environmental management schemes that need to be considered when pursuing domestic CCS project were proposed (Chapter 5). In order to consider environmental aspects in future efforts to commercialize CCS, sufficient prior consideration of environmental effects is required in case of related legislation and institutional maintenance, and scheme of environmental assessment of each stage must be prepared when pursuing commercialization. In addition, R&D for environmental protection technology development requires sufficient support as well. Based on such contents, there is a need to arrange institutional mechanisms that can sufficiently consider related environmental effects prior to pursuing domestic CCS commercialization plant in a future.

Table Of Contents

제1장·서 론
1. 연구 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 내용 및 방법
제2장·CCS 기술개발 현황 및 정책 동향
1. CCS 정의 및 기술 범주
가. CCS 정의
나. CCS 기술 범주
2. 국외 CCS 기술개발 추진 현황
가. 국제에너지기구
나. 미국
다. EU
라. 호주
마. 일본
3. CCS 실증 및 상용화를 위한 국외 프로젝트 현황
4. 국내 CCS 기술개발 현황
가. 현황
나. 국가 CCS 종합 추진계획
제3장·CCS 관련 환경관리 현황
1. 미국 환경보호청
가. 배경
나. 규정 제정 과정
2. EU
가. 주요 내용
3. 국제해사기구(IMO)
4. 런던의정서
5. 국내
가. 국가 CCS 종합 추진계획
나. 국토해양부 해양환경관리법 시행규칙
6. 고찰
제4장·CCS 환경평가 선행 사례
1. CCS의 전략환경평가
가. 서론
나. 전략환경평가
다. 대안 평가
2. CCS의 환경평가 내 스크리닝과 스코핑
가. 서론
나. EIA와 SEA의 절차 개요
다. EIA와 SEA 절차의 범위
3. 미국 FutureGen 프로젝트 환경영향평가
가. 사업 개요
나. DOE 와 FutureGen 산업연맹과의 관계
다. NEPA에 따른 환경평가 수행과정
라. 잠정적 결정 사항
마. 사업 계획(proposed action)
바. 대안(alternatives)
사. 불가피한 환경영향 및 저감방안
아. 결정내용 기록(ROD)
4. 호주 ZeroGen 프로젝트 환경영향평가
가. 프로젝트 제안자
나. 법적 체제
다. EIS 목적
라. EIS 가이드라인
마. 환경영향평가의 과정
바. 결론과 권고
5. 고찰
제5장·CCS 기술 환경관리 방안 제언
참고 문헌

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