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Showing results 221 to 240 of 1080

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-12-31Safe & secure policy for dismantled wastes in nuclear이희선 ; 조공장
2017-12-31Safe management and effective resource circulation of lithium secondary batteries after use in electric vehicles조지혜 ; 김유선
2009-04-10SATEEC ArcView GIS를 이용한 홍천군 자운리 유역 임의 경작지의 산림 환원에 따른 토양유실 및 유사저감 분석장원석
2023-05-31SDG6 이행 제고를 위한 지하수 분야의 국제동향 및 우리나라의 대응 전략현윤정; 김수홍; 이정호; 차은지
2003-06-30Selecting the best soil particle-size distribution model for Korean soils황상일
2010-03-31Sewer mining을 통한 지역단위 하수 재이용조을생
2010-07-20Shapley Value를 이용한 안양천 유역 통합관리 계획에 따른 비용분담방안의 연구송양훈·유진채·공기서·김미옥·안소은
2014-12-31Spatial planning method and applications for climate change adaptation(I)Dong Hyun Kim
2018-03-31Status of Korean emissions trading market as of the years 2015 and 2016이상엽 ; 김대수
2017-12-31Status of particulate matter pollution and major policies in KoreaHyun-Soo Joo
2019-11-15Strengthening Climate Resilience of Water Source Management Area: Focusing on the Four Major Rivers of KoreaJeongho Lee; Changhui Park; Joonghyun Kook; Songmi Park; Donghyun Kim; Moungjin Lee; Jeongho Yoon
2010-01-11Study on Policies for Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control한상운
2016-12-22Study on the development and implementation of baseflow index for the management of groundwater Dependent EcosystemsHyeongsik KANG; Yunjung HYUN
2011-03-31SWAT HRU별 지하수 오염부하량 산정을 위한 SWAT HRU Mapping Module 개발 및 적용류지철
2017-10-31The 4th industrial revolution, smart cities, and sustainable urban regeneration : a perspective studyChoongik Choi; Chun-Il Kim
2018-06-30The Asymmetric Response of Korean Gasoline Prices to Changes in Crude Oil Prices임보람; 한두봉; 이지용
2015-06-30The comprehensive equity implications of a carbon pricing policy in south Korea : based on environmentally extended input output analysis together with household expenditure data김하나
2019-12-31The economic valuation of vater wuality degradation from river algae blooms : evidence from the han riverYoon Lee; June-Mo Woo; Yongsuk Hong
2009-01-08The Effect of an Environmental Policy as a source of a Background Risk on Economic DecisionsJinkwon Lee
2009-01-08The Effect of an Environmental Policy as a source of a Background Risk on Economic DecisionsJinwook Lee
