주요 지질별 지하수 개발·이용 특성 및 수질 관리실태 비교연구

주요 지질별 지하수 개발·이용 특성 및 수질 관리실태 비교연구
Issue Date
Series/Report No.
정책보고서 : 2006-06
97 p.
Water quality management
Comparative Study for the Ground Water Management Based on Geological Condition Ground water is located beneath the ground surface and moves through soil pores and rock fractures. It is not affected directly by weather condition and artificial pollutants. In addition, it is the sustainable resource refilled by precipitation and infiltration and may contain useful minerals for human health dissolved from geologic formations. Hence, a great percentage of population have depended their drinking water on ground water in United States (51%) and Europe (75%) and their management plan and systematic policy were established for its sustainable development. They also have specified its origin or mineral contents and made profits by exporting them. On the contrary, in Korea, ground water has not been appreciated as the major water resource during last a few decades, as the government has provided most of the water supply from the surface water such as river, stream, and reservoir. However, the industrialization and urbanization have threatened the quality of surface water and some water supply facilities had to be closed by its serious contamination, so public health concerns have arisen regarding guarantee of ’good water’. Thus, the policy of water supply needs to shift its gear. The characteristics of ground water such as flow and quality are determined initially by geologic condition. If the pore ratio is relatively high and the pores are well connected, it shows the extended ground water movement and the large amount of withdrawal. The ground water extracted from granite contains lots of silicides, while that from limestone shows high concentration of calcium. This study aims (1) to emphasize the importance of geologic condition in ground water management and (2) to suggest the relevant policies and researches. If the ground water could be characterized by its geologic condition, it could be easier to collect, organize, and analyze the data and information of ground water by categorizing them into analogous geologic formations. This study, however, shows the limitations of this generalization in Korea, due to insufficient information and inconsistent data. Besides of these, the system of ground water management in Korea shows another dilemma. It has been supervised by the incompatible policies of five ministries, which results in the inefficient management. Therefore, its system leaves much to be desired. In contrast, most managements and researches regarding ground water are based on its geologic condition in United States and Europe. The amount of ground water withdrawal in United States has been compiled by the ’principal aquifers’, and this database has provided the standard for its henceforth usage. The geostatistical method was employed to standardize the hydrogeolgic parameters, such as hydraulic conductivity and specific capacity, for each major aquifer in New Jersey, the U.S. It was the state project to integrate the data and information of ground water, leaded by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Likewise, these compilation and standardization have been achieved in Europe. In addition, the "Background Concentration" of ground water has been utilized to make the judgement for ground water quality, which is the quality of ’ground water itself’ caused by the water-rock interactions in the aquifer. The "BRIDGE Project" using this background concentration has been performed from January 2005 to December 2006. In this project, the background concentration of ground water quality for each principal aquifer has been investigated and organized, and it was applied to develop the method determining ’good water’. These ongoing projects have made a great contribution to the sustainable development of ground water. The above-mentioned projects are also required in Korea, in order to provide the systematic management for the increasing amount of ground water usage and demands of ’good water’. First, the units for ground water management should be reconstituted by its geologic condition, so the existing data and information could be reorganized and the future measurements could be compiled by these. Second, the background concentration of ground water should be investigated and organized into its database, which could be employed to determine the ground water quality and its application. Furthermore, the guideline for further investigation should be established to achieve consistency among the research results.

Table Of Contents

제1장 서 론
1. 연구 배경 및 목적
2. 연구 범위 및 방법
제2장 지질별 지하수 유동 및 수질 특성
1. 지질별 지하수 유동특성
가. 유동특성 결정인자
나. 우리나라 지하수 유동
2. 지질별 지하수 수질특성
가. 수질특성 결정인자
나. 우리나라 지하수 수질
3. 지질별 지하수 관리의 필요성
제 3 장 우리나라의 지하수 관리
1. 지하수 개발·이용 현황
2. 지하수 관리현황
가. 관련 조직 및 법
나. 지하수 관리 현황
1) 지하수관리기본계획
2) 지하수기초조사보고서
3) 지하수 수질측정망
4) 오염취약성 분석
3. 우리나라 지하수 관리의 문제점
제 4 장 선진국의 지하수 관리
1. 미국
가. 관련 조직 및 법
나. 지하수 개발·이용 현황
다. 지질별 지하수관리
1) 뉴저지주
2) 고지대 대수층
2. 유럽
가. 지하수 개발·이용 현황
나. 지질별 지하수 관리
1) 지하수 관리단위
2) 수질특성 관리
가) BaSeLiNe 사업
나) BRIDGE 사업
3. 선진국 사례의 시사점
제 5 장 연구결과 및 정책제언
1. 연구결과
가. 지질별 지하수 특성
나. 지하수 관리단위
다. 배경수질
라. 통일된 자료의 공유
2. 정책제언
가. 대수층 특성 중심의 지하수 관리
나. 지질별 배경수질 자료구축
다. 관련 자료의 통일성 마련
부록 1 남한의 수문지질단위
부록 2 지질유래 유해물질
부록 3 DRASTIC 평가기법
부록 4 유럽 국가별 지하수체

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